Mandatory Meetings!

28 20 3

Babylon's eyes popped open. A new day has begun. He rolled out of bed, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and went for his morning poop.

When he was finished, he carried himself to the couch in front of the television and began flipping through the channels. His wife was behind him, in the kitchen, chopping onions for a bouillon later on. She grunted after a second of fiercely staring at him. He was aware of the grunt but ignored it.

They had been going through a shaky time in their marriage and little did he know she was going to serve him with divorce papers sooner or later. She was only waiting for him to screw up one more time. The papers were already printed and ready and were nestled in a folder in her handbag. She hoped that he would remind her of why she even married him in the first place before she gave them to him but he didn't have long.

At the moment, the television was plastered to a radio station in BerkVille who was covering the very little details of the story of DeeJay.

"The Devil's work!" his wife shouted "The Devil lingers in BerkVille! That poor child got caught in his crossfire! I ask God everyday to put a hand and guide and protect my family!"

Not wanting to engage in her superstition, he got up and began to get himself ready for work. When he was finished, he walked out of his room and into the living room, where he was looking for his leather side-bag. He discovered his daughter and wife eating breakfast at the table.

"Pap' can we have a family meeting?"

"Sure" he said looking up from his tie. He sat down.

"I feel like the two of you have gotten a rift lately. Like you two have been drifting away from each other!"

"Have we?"

"YES!" his wife threw in.

"I don't know what's going on but you two need to work on that because I miss having the two of you preparing dinner together every night" she said before getting up to get ready for school.

For a brief moment, the two sat silently staring at each other, hers more angry. They exchanged a few grins as they listened to the hands of the clock above them wondered around in a 360° angle. Finally, the sound of Babylon's alarm signaling him to leave for work every morning broke the silence.

7:31 a.m
Babylon arrived at work. He greeted his peers then prepared himself a cup of coffee, no milk and extra sugar to be exact. He sat down at his desk to begin trying to crack the case. Thats when his door was brought to a knock.

It was the forensic expert. They'd finally brought him the results of the fingerprint tests he'd sent in. And the outcomes had brought him one step closer to resolving his case. His grin was filled with relief and a sense of accomplishment. His desire to be the hero or simply the recipient of accolades was growing stronger the more the case was unraveled.

He rose from his desk, grabbed the file, and flew to his car. He rushed up to our school, which was perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful sandy beach. He inhaled the fumes of the polish Mr. Flich was using to shine his shoes as he parked his car next to the basketball court. Babylon made a disgusted face as he walked past the car Flich stood next to letting him know that the smell was unpleasant to the nose.

He made his way to the principal office and notified the principal that he needed to speak to one of the students for a brief moment concerning the case of DeeJay. The principal made an announcement over the intercom that excused Dustin from his Information Technology class. Soon Dustin was seated at a desk in an empty class with Babylon sitting across from him.

"I'll keep this quick and simple Mr. Cooper" he opened the file and handed it to Dustin. "Can you explain why your fingerprints are on the gun that shot DeeJay Disso Junior after he died?"

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