with Money brings probleMs!

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   Dustin was ready to start listening to his set of cassettes as I made my way home. He had just finished his latest masturbation session and was sitting on the toilet taking in that fresh newly improved bathroom smell. He wiped his stomach and flushed the tissue.

    As he waited outside with the tape playing, he switched on the shower to allow it to heat up. Instead of using headphones, he stood there in his birthday suit holding the tape to his right ear. Painted on the tape was a portrait of a few fuchsia lipstick stained lips with a hookah each and smoke oozing out and making its way around the entire tape.

Dustin was about to learn about the star of this tape, Cole. Tape five.

One day, Cole came by their driveway wearing a solemn expression. DeeJay's father approached him because he didn't know what he wanted and politely requested that he leave his property knowing the dangers of him. Cole, though, gave him a menacing, evil expression as he took another puff from the joint that was tucked between his pinky and middle fingers.

What made Cole even scarier and more intimidating was the scars that were scattered all over his face and body. His lips were charcoal black to match his finger and toe nails. He wore skinny jeans that stayed below his behind, a graphic teeshirt with a Lacoste pouch clasped around his waist. Tied onto his forehead was a red headband and his skinny chocolate body was filled with tattoos. He spoke with a booming voice that made its way out of his mouth by stumbling over his yellow teeth.

Cole approached him and placed something at his stomach. He looked down to discover Cole was holding his very own gun to him but used a cloth so his fingerprints wouldn't transfer to the gun. His body tensed up and he began to tremble a bit. Cole was standing so close and so calculated that it seemed to a passerby that they were standing towards each other having a lovely conversation. After all, this man was a deadly criminal, drug dealer and murderer so he had some experience with stuff like this.

"Your lil' nigga just disappearing with my shit and coming back every couple of months for more, the fuck is up wit' dat?"

"W-w-what d-do you m-mean?"

"That lil' nigga just disappeared after I gave him an entire duffel of supply that he was supposed to use to sell and give me my money that he owed me back. I told that nigga Dallo to stop fucking playing with me and my daily bread! Not because we're friends don't mean I'm gon' put up with this bullshit!"

"Listen, Dallo is overseas. He's at school. But for the duration that he won't be here, I'll be more than wiling to work off his debt. P-Please?"

   For a brief moment, Cole merely stared down into his eyes. He took Dallo's hand and put the revolver
in it. He then shoved the cloth into his back pocket, threw his blunt onto the pavement and stepped on it. Then he walked away.

    Dallo stood there for a moment, perplexed and paralyzed with fear. His blood pressure was being negatively impacted by his beating heart. Rushing inside, he downed a large glass of water while clutching his chest to calm himself. Simply put, he was grateful that his wife and children weren't present. That situation is traumatizing for anyone and he didn't want to put any of them through that.

For the rest of the day he was uneasy. He constantly checked out the window and was jumpy to any little sound that came from outside. He didn't know what was going to happen next and that made him giddy. He was always in a panic of fearing the future and what it holds on his life and this just made it ten times worse. He wanted to blame Dallo because he was the one who put him in this frantic but he knew he was just a kid and he didn't know what his actions could cause.

    The next morning came and everything seemed fine. His family was all at the table with him to eat breakfast before he headed off to work, the area outside was free of threats and the sun gave a squeaky glow to the outdoors. He finally could breathe properly and once he was done getting ready he practically skipped to his car.

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