Chapter One

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The summer finally started and so far I was spending it babysitting wheezie. Normally I'd be out with rafe or Sarah but Ward had asked me to look after Wheezie while everyone was out plus I was waiting for Sarah to get home so we could go to the beach.

"How come you're dating my brother?" Wheezie asked me sitting up from her position on her bed.

"What do you mean, I've been dating him for quite a while." A lot of people questioned me on why I was with Rafe but we just made sense, I cared for him and he cared for me. It's that simple.

"He's like a robot, I don't know how you put up with him, to be honest." Just after she said that Sarah walked in and instantly grabbed my hand and led me outside.

"Come on loser, we're going shopping." She said to me as we both got into my car. "You watch way too much mean girls," that's normally what I and Sarah do, we just go to one of our houses put on a rom-com and chill. Other kooks always go to the country club or fancy parties but I couldn't care less, or maybe I'm just lazy.

"What, haven't you heard about the kegger tonight?"
Keggers happen a lot around here. It's just a party that everyone goes to it doesn't matter if you're a kook or a pogue, you still go.

"You seriously think I'm not prepared, I already got my outfit planned."

It wasn't like I was a total kook, I was friends with the pogues but since I didn't get along with kie I don't hang out with them. So keggers were the only place I could talk to them without Rafe dragging me away or without seeing Kiara. Rafe can get really jealous sometimes and it can scare me. It's weird because he hates me taking to the pogues but he was 'friends' with kie last year.

When it came to the pogues Rafe was very protective, he liked to describe them as 'scum at the bottom of his shoe' and whenever he saw me talking to them or more specifically JJ he assumed the worst and would always say he doesn't want to lose me but it always ends with me reassuring him and then he's fine.


The time came around when it was time to go to the beach for the kegger so me and Sarah took my jeep but I had to drive topper and kelce there as well

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The time came around when it was time to go to the beach for the kegger so me and Sarah took my jeep but I had to drive topper and kelce there as well.
I wasn't exactly close with topper and kelce but we were kind of friends, I was never keen on Topper because in my opinion he doesn't treat Sarah right but it was her decision. And I only talk to kelce when we're both with rafe.

"What would Rafe say if he knew you were here?" Sarah asked me. "He would probably drag me away and lock me up." I laughed, I was joking but to be honest it did sound like something Rafe would do.
"That reminds me if I go talk to john b, jj and pope can you promise me you won't tell Rafe," I knew she wouldn't tell rafe but I still needed to make sure.

"Of course go have fun," Sarah said just as I started to walk over to john b who was just standing by himself. "Hey, jb have you missed me?"

"Well look who decided to show up, I was beginning to think you decided to go full kook." john b said hugging me.

"nah you know I couldn't leave you douchebags alone," I laughed looking around for his blonde sidekick. "Hey, where's the blonde one?"

"Probably flirting with some girl, how come you aren't here with your ass of a boyfriend?" john b asked laughing.

"he doesn't like coming to keggers you know might get some sort of disease from pogues like yourself,"

"Funny, by the way, looks like your best friend is heading this way." As he said that I turned around and saw JJ walking towards us with a smirk on his face.

Me and JJ had a very weird relationship, he hates my boyfriend and I always tell him to stop being jealous but even though I'm technically a kook he's still my best friend and he has been since we were little.

"Look what the cat dragged in." JJ laughed ruffling my hair which he knows I hate. "You look cute," he muttered so only he could hear

"What?" I asked not hearing what he said.

"I said you look like a boot," he smirked looking down and his cup of beer.

"Missed you too Jay," I said giving him a fist bump. "But I better go you know keep up appearances and everything since everyone loves me." I laughed walking off and I could hear John b and JJ laughing at my joke as I was walking away.


The rest of the night went by really fast, I was downing beers and soon got bored so I let Sarah know I was leaving and decided to head to rafes house since I knew he was in.

I'm outside pls can u let me in

On my way

He unlocked the door and let me in and held my hand whilst leading me up to his room so I grabbed a hoodie and some of his boxers out of his drawers and got comfortable in his bed.

He unlocked the door and let me in and held my hand whilst leading me up to his room so I grabbed a hoodie and some of his boxers out of his drawers and got comfortable in his bed

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"How come your out this late?" I knew this was coming as soon as I got here.

"I was just out with Sarah." I knew she'd back me up and technically it wasn't a lie.

"Then why can I smell alcohol on your breath?" he asked clenching his jaw and I could tell he was starting to get a bit annoyed with me.


"We went out for a drink " I'm honestly too smart at this point.
After I said that I felt the bed dip beside me as rafe got into bed he put his arm around me and soon enough we drifted off to sleep with my head on his bare chest.

"If I find out you were with the Pogues, you'll regret it. I promise," he whispered in my ear before tightening his grip on me so that I wouldn't be able to get out.

"I wasn't," I managed to croak out, his statement sent chills down my spine and I prayed to god that he wouldn't keep his promise.

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