Chapter Twenty One

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"Oh shit," I gasped, watching Ward drop the gun

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"Oh shit," I gasped, watching Ward drop the gun.

"Oh no. Get down," Pope told us when Ward glanced in our direction.

"I think we should go, right now," JJ said. "Pope, you have enough, right?"

"Yeah," Pope answered. "Hold on. He's coming out. I think he's looking for the gun," Pope told us. "I think the gun just went down the drain. He's looking for it,"

"Can we go? I have a bad feeling," I asked.

"It'll be fine," JJ told me. "Wait kie what are you doing?" he asked as kie stood up to look at Ward.

"What is wrong with you? Murderer!" Kie shouted but Pope put his hand over her mouth and got her to duck down so she wasn't seen.

"Are you insane?" I whisper-shouted. Obviously, she'd shout murderer at an actual murderer who could kill us right now.

"I don't care if he hears me, he's a murderer," Kie shouted.

"Yeah, and he's gonna murder us, Kie," JJ told the girl.

"Guys he sees us. We gotta go, he's coming," Pope quickly said so we all went back down the ladder but Kie stepped on JJ's hand making him kick Pope in the face which resulted in Pope falling.

"So sorry," Kie said climbing down and when she got down I then went.

"No, no, no, no, no," Pope said messing with his camera.

"You're kidding me. You fumbled it?" JJ said to Pope.

"You kicked me in the face," Pope shouted.

"She stepped on my hand," JJ said pointing to Kie.

"I was trying to hurry," Kie apologised.

"Shut up. Can we go?" I asked them.
Each of us climbed over the fence and got back into Kie's car.

"Could someone fill me in on what the frick just happened?" JJ shouted. "Holy crap. I can't believe it. Wait, wait. What were they fighting over?"

"They were fighting over the gun that Rafe used," I told him putting my head into my hands.

"Pick up. Pick up," Kie repeated, calling someone.

"Who are you calling?" Pope asked her

"Who do you think," Kie said before they answered.

"The cops?" Pope asked.

"Who else am I supposed to call?" Kie replied to him shouting. "Hello? Hi, somebody's been shot at the Grand Street construction sight!" Kie told them. "You guys need to hurry because he's dying. I don't know if he's already dead or not! You need to hurry!" Kiara shouted drastically and ended the call.

"We gotta go," I told them.

"Yeah, we're sitting ducks," JJ agreed with me.

"What do you want me to do?" Kie shouted.

"Just drive!" Pope urged.


"Look, it was right here, and this is where that maniac claimed his next victim," Kie told Shoupe.

"Uh-huh. His next victim?" Shoupe asked not believing us at all. "Right. How long ago did you say it happened?"

"Uh. It was about forty-five minutes ago," I told him standing next to Pope.

"Okay. And so, Ward Cameron just popped one off and shot him?" Shoupe questioned us further.

"Yes," Kie breathed out.

"Execution style? And then cleaned it all up in 45 minutes?"

"Yeah. We filmed the entire thing," Kiebtold the officer who now decided to look up to her:

"You filmed it?" he asked.

"Yes, but we can't show it to you because I stepped on JJ's hand, and then he kicked Pope, and then Pope dropped the camera and it broke," Kie explained.

"So the dog ate your homework?" Should asked annoyed.

"When did anyone mention a dog?" I joked, but no one seemed amused.

"I know how it sounds," JJ tried to reason with him ignoring me.

"Look, I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this. You drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing. Except for some crazy stories about Ward Cameron's out on a random killing spree," Shoupe shouted at us.

"It's not a random killing spree though!" I shouted to him. "Gavin had the gun that Rafe used to kill Peterkin and Ward was paying him hush money since he knew what happened on the tarmac," I explained to Shoupe.

"And then he called him here and tried to pay him off. But it wasn't enough and then so he shot him. With the murder weapon," JJ said.

"How do you know that," Shoupe asked, I think he was starting to believe us and I started to get relieved.

"Pope did this thing with his phone. He, like put it in his car and--" Kie started until Pope cut her off.

I heard their whole conversation," Pope said.

"You wiretapped him?" Shoupe said getting frustrated again. "Stop. Just stop. I've had enough," Shoupe finished walking away from the four of us.

"What? Are you just gonna look the other way again?" JJ shouted following him.

"You ever heard about the boy who cried wolf?" Should ask.

"Why would we make this up?"
"Why can't you believe us for once?"
We all shouted at Shoupe trying to get him to believe us but it didn't seem like it was working since he kept walking away without looking back.

"Look, everyone go home. False alarm," Shoupe told the other officers waiting outside the building and they then got into their cars getting ready to drive off.

"Can you just do your job for like 20 minutes?" Kie shouted.

"I know you're upset. And I know you think your friend was innocent," Shoupe started.

"He is!" I told him.

"But you weren't there. The only actual witnesses who are above the ground say the exact opposite. All right? And both of them have a hell of a lot more credibility than any of you right now," Shoupe said getting into his car.

"What? Is that because they're kooks?" I shouted but he had already gotten into his car and started driving off.

"Are you serious?" JJ shouted.

"We can still go get the gun," Pope told us.

"Will this ever end?" I said brushing my hands through my hair.

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