Chapter Forty Three

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Sure, Rafe was a bad person but surely he couldn't have had something to do with my dads' breath

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Sure, Rafe was a bad person but surely he couldn't have had something to do with my dads' breath. I must've been standing there for quite a while because the shouts of the pogues brought me out of my thoughts.

"Woah, what's going on?" I asked walking over to them by Kie's truck.

Kie and John B were both carrying Pope whose face had swelled up and he was gasping for breath.

"Pope got stung by wasps. We think he's having a reaction," John B told me.

"He'll need a shot," I told the group who were stood around Pope who was now lying down on the backseats.

"I know where to go! Give me the keys!" JJ shouted rushing to the driver's seat whilst I sat in the passenger's seat.

"They're in the ignition! Go" Kie shouted to JJ while everyone climbed in the truck.

"Right. I knew that," JJ said starting the engine.

"Go!" I shouted keeping an eye on Pope.

We were all squashed in the vehicle but no one seemed to be complaining as everyone was more focused on Pope's health

"Where are we going, JJ?" I shouted to the blonde who was speeding down the roads.

"My cousin Ricky's house," he shouted not taking his eyes off the road.

I guess this was one of the times when it was a good thing that JJ's cousin was a paramedic.


JJ honked the horn as we pulled up at his cousin's house, hoping to get his attention.

"Ricky!" JJ shouted as we got out of the truck and helped get Pope out. "Ricky! Hey, bro!" JJ repeated. He continued to shout his cousin's name and banged on the door until Ricky came.

"Ricky, hey, I got a problem, bro! I know you're mad at me!" JJ shouted through the door trying to open it, but it was locked.

"Remember that time you stole my ambulance?" Ricky shouted

"Yeah. I know, I know you're mad. No!" he shouted as Ricky stuck his middle finger up to us and shut the door in JJ's face.

"No! Please, we need help!" Sarah shouted banging on the door.

"Aren't you supposed to be a paramedic?" I shouted banging my fists on the door not giving up until he helped Pope.

"He got stung by a wasp! He's having a reaction! Please help!" Sarah cried whilst JJ went over to the window to get Ricky's attention again.

"He can't breathe, Ricky!" JJ shouted.

"You know, if you don't help him and just let him die without doing anything, I'll report you and you can get your medical license revoked," I shouted crossing my arms and Ricky finally opened the door.

"Who can't breathe?" He asked looking between us all, stopping at the sight of Pope.

"Look at him! Help my friend!" John B shouted with Pope's arm slung around his shoulder to help keep himself upright.

"All right, Jesus Christ," Ricky let out opening the door, letting us in his house.

"Hey! Nice to meet you, sorry," Sarah told him as we walked past JJ's cousin and went over to a table pushing everything off it so Pope could lie down.

"You know, I wouldn't come to you if it wasn't an emergency," JJ said helping Pope lie down.

"What's wrong with him?" Ricky asked looking down at Pope.

"Wasps," Sarah told him

"Is he allergic to wasps?" he asked us.

"Obviously," I sighed at the same time that Kie said "Clearly,"

"Raise his legs," JJ said so he and John B each grabbed a leg and elevated it.

"What's his name?" Ricky asked.

"Pope," me and Sarah said at the same time.

"Hey, Pope. Hang tight, I gotta get my kit," Ricky said and walked off into another room.

"Hang tight? Ricky!" JJ shouted.

"He's looking for a kit, go help him," John B told JJ and he followed his cousin into the other room.

"I need you to focus. Focus on your breathing," Kie told Pope holding his face in her hands.

With the amount of worry written on her face, you'd think that her and Pope were dating but I have honestly no clue what's going on with them.

I grabbed one of Pope's hands and rubbed it to assure him that he'd be fine. You can't kill a pogue, it's been proven several times already.

"Where is your kit?" Kie shouted when Ricky came back but his hands were empty and he quickly rushed into a different room, ignoring our shouts. "Focus on your breathing," she repeated to Pope as he started wheezing.

"Okay, I got it!" Ricky shouted rushing towards us with a duffel bag in his hands.

"Okay, what do we do now?" JJ asked.

"You don't do anything 'cause you're not a paramedic," Ricky told him making him back away slightly and I scoffed at his words not liking him one bit.

"Shut up," Sarah whispered to me.

"Okay. Hey, Pope how are you doing, man? You look like shit. Here's the thing. This is a pediatric dose of epinephrine," he explained but that didn't make any sense whatsoever.

"Is that gonna be enough?" Sarah asked him.

"He's not a kid," Kie said shaking her head at Ricky's words.

"It is ten times a normal dose. So if... if it doesn't stop his heart, it'll help him. But I gotta use the whole thing, or it won't work and I'm not going down if he dies," Ricky rambled.

"What kind of paramedic are you?" I scoffed.

"The kind that can save your friend," he said before turning to JJ, behind me.

"Okay! Fine, do it," JJ told his cousin brushing his hands through his hair in frustration, I could tell he was worrying like crazy so I grabbed his hand and squeezed it and he returned the gesture. "I hate needles, man," JJ mumbled watching Ricky inject Pope's skin with the needle.

"Me too," I agreed leaning my head on JJ's shoulder.

"Okay, uh. That's it," Ricky told us stepping away from Pope.

It looked like Pope was fast asleep but I couldn't tell whether it went wrong or it was in the process of working.

"Now what?" Sarah asked him.

"Now we wait," he replied.

Everyone went silent silently praying that Pope would be okay. The only sound was the TV which I only now realised was on.

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