Home alone

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\\It's been two weeks since tomioka met Iguro//

'Alright Iguro I'm going out now ok?' Tomioka yelled

'Pfft like I care,Leave faster human!' He said with a grin pushing tomioka out the door with all his strength.

'Alright I get it I'm leaving!' He said as he closed the door.
||two minutes later||

Why do I feel...lonely? I've been alone most of my life so why am I only now feeling like this? Am I..under a spell? Human must of did it that filthy human!

'How dare you human!' He yelled as he ran out the door and sniffed the air to find tomioka,

'I'll get him for his trickery!' He finally got his scent.

He hid behind a tree and seen tomioka standing in between a few others, it was really cloudy so the sun had no effect on him,

He seen an old man with some odd purple stuff on the top part of his face and his eyes were really light, he must've been blind.

'Stupid human I can't catch you now..but I will!' He ran off quickly as the clouds were starting to clear,

He made it to the door but just as he opened it a bit of his right leg,right arm and his neck got burned.

He yelled as he crashed onto the floor inside, he used his foot to kick it shut and he crawled to the couch,

He couldn't heal properly the sun burns were too deep any further and it would of made a hole,

He felt so annoyed and embarrassed knowing he might have to ask tomioka for help but he shook the thought and denied needing help.

'I'm the all powerful Iguro! I don't need ANY help!' He growled as he lay on the floor.

'Iguro I'm back-' tomioka cut himself off seeing the demon in the corner.

'What happened to you?!' He asked worriedly as he ran over to him trying to help with his wounds.

'Foolish human I don't need help!' He growled as he tried to cover the wounds with his hands.

'Iguro I'm going to help and if you deny it im giving you broccoli for dinner' he sighed.

'Dirty humans and there trickery..whatever heal me!' He barred his teeth at him but just handed him his arm.

'Ok Iguro but no biting this time!' He said angrily not looking at him but rather at the boys sun burns

'It was pretty funny though' he grinned.

'Whatever...just don't do it' he sighed as the demon rolled his eyes and scoffed with his grin still wide,

He bandaged up the burns and handed him some animal meat to help him heal faster.

He devoured it and bit the bone.
'Wait you can't eat th-' he was cut off by him swallowing the bone.

'Shut up human' he laughed.

'Alright fine..but it's time for bed come on' he picked him up in his arms(bridal style😏)

'Put me down human! I will eat you!' He yelled as he was brought to the room and laid onto a futon.

'Now no getting out of bed and sleeping...the same places as you have' he said a little..concerned?

'No promises human' he grinned.

'I don't need sleep... I could sneak out and poison humans to eat?' He thought in his head excitedly,

He ran out the door and went to a nearby village,

He devoured 9 humans and licked his lips.

'This one tasted like a bitch..' he said disgusted at the humans corpse.

'I should get back soon...or human will feed me broccoli' he whined as he stood up and ran back home.

Wild beast//Kny au//obagiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now