Chapter 8

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Jungkook's POV

Just finished the meeting with the manager in one of the largest and famous bank in Tokyo. Namjoon is with me, by my side. We get out of the manager's office after we say our goodbye's. We stopped walking and our eyes roaming all over the big bank. They have packages of drugs locked inside the vault, that police thought it was safe there, but not from me. 

"Plan stays the same." I said to Namjoon, still keeping to look out straight.  

"Right. I take care of the crowd. You handle the manager." Namjoon said. 

I nod, and say "If threats don't work - do what you gotta do. He keeps the vault keys on him." I look at Namjoon, even the words aren't needed between us. I could always communicate even with just eyes, and Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung would understand. That's a bond us four have, they are my only family, only friends I have and need. 

"Say a teller sounds the alarm - how long do we got?" Namjoon asks. Right when I was about to say something, Yoongi speaks through the earpiece Namjoon and I have. 

"Five minutes, maybe more, before the cops show up." Yoongi answers, keeping the look out from the van through security cameras in bank. 

"What if the all goes to hell, boss?" The guy who will be in this mission on stealing packages of drugs asks Jungkook through the earpiece, and he knows he fucked up by asking Jungkook that question.

I try to keep anger inside myself and answer "I'm not fucking around, Tom. I do not make mistakes. You hear the gunshots down at the vault, don't come up. It's the drugs, or nothing at all." 

"Yes, boss. The job will be done." Tom says. 

"Yoongi, is everything on it's place." I ask. 

"Yes, Jungkook. Just waiting your command when to start." Yoongi said. 

"Blow up the door in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... NOW!!!!" I said. The shooting started, the people start to scream, the security starts to take their guns. Namjoon and I kneel down acting like scared civilians. 

While the guys are scaring people with guns, I see masked Yoongi and Tom coming upstairs towards us, keeping up the act.

They point the guns towards us and ask "WHERE IS THE MANAGER'S OFFICE, TELLS US NOW!!!" 

I point with my shaky hand, gosh I am great at acting and say with stuttering voice "O-o-over there."

They take the keys from the manager, and mangers points them towards the secret entrance from his office to the vault. 

10 minutes goes or a little longer, when my man are now escaping, making a diversity of stealing money, and going away with it. I hear through my earpiece, that Yoongi and Tom are now in the car with loaded packages of drugs. I smirk in myself, and hear the police sirens. 

Mission completed.


Back in New York...

Taehyung's POV

I am at home now, in the shooting range. It's really boring without my brothers, they are informing me what's happening back in Japan, and I inform them what' happening here in New York. I lay the gun down and take of the protection headphones. 

I have finished all my works earlier today, so I have free time. I am just roaming around, before I went to the shooting range, I cooked myself a tasty lunch, but of course my brothers are better at cooking than me. I smile thinking about them, all the things we've gone through, bad and good, tears and laughter. Than I remember the bad and tears just keep coming, but I stop myself before the thoughts came rushing through my mind so fast like formula 1.

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