Chapter 21

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Jimin's POV

The night has already fallen, my appa and me already had dinner. Now i'm in the balcony of my room, resting my elbows on the railings. My mind is occupied with thoughts of Jungkook. Jungkook! The boy who I just met, but simply can't stop thinking about him. There is something special about him, I don't know the name yet on why I am even thinking about him. There is something about his eyes, something that makes me look into it for hours and get lost in them. When he said to me that his parents were killed, I remembered my own mother. How I never met her, how I lost her to early. How my appa tells me how much I remind him of her, how she would be so proud of me. 

I close my eyes, just even though I don't remember her, because I was so little when she died, but I can feel her heart, her kindness. It makes me smile. 

"I love you, mom." I say looking up at the sky and see how stars shine. The breeze comes, blowing my face and hair, and it calms me, feeling like my mom is speaking to me, it's silly to think like that, but I don't know, it's doesn't feel silly to me. 

The smile just stays on my face. Than I decide that tomorrow I will go to mother's grave, I don't come as often as I used to go when I was little, I remember going to my mom's to just talk, going there for comfort, for advice. I miss her, why did she have to go so early. I took a deep breath, feeling my eyes watering. I go inside my room and went to sleep. 


Hearing the chicken's sound, waking up with a blasting sun coming through the window. I stretch myself, getting ready for the day. When I got dressed up, ready to say to my dad at the dining table that I will be skipping breakfast, but I don't see him there. 

"Where is appa? He still didn't wake up?" I asked our butler. Confused, because appa is always first at breakfast, he is an early bird.

"Your majesty already had his breakfast and went somewhere, he didn't tell where he's going." The butler said. 

I pick up an apple from the table and went towards the stable to get my horse. My horse's name is Max. I love him so much. 

"Hey, buddy. My Max." I caress his head, and he always is thrilled when he sees me. I love him so much. 

"Are you thirsty, hmm?" I ask him, picking his now empty big bowl to refill the water. I put it again on it's place, watching him drink his water, I chuckle. 

Once he is finished, he again comes closer lowering his head for me to caress. 

"Are you board here, hmm?" He is a horse that is always with me, we walk everyday, hang out with each other. 

"Let's go for a little walk, we'll be visiting my mom's grave." I say, getting the saddle to put it on him. Once I strap him, I grab the bridle to walk him out of the stable, once we are out, I get on him and we ride towards the graveyard. 

When I reached "Our" family graveyard, which is a place only for our family, my mom is buried here, my grandparents are buried here, my great-grandparents, and my dad and me will be buried here. 

I got close to to entrance of our graveyard, when I see my dad's horse standing in front of the entrance, my dad is also here. I get down from my horse and strap him beside my dad's horse. 

I enter and see my dad by mom's grave, I just stand there. He is talking to her. 

"My love, my dear Ara. My world collapsed when I lost you. I always thought, why did God had to take you away, why so early. But, my strength was our son. Our son, our dear Jimin. Who is such a noble person, with a kind heart. I just know, you are watching him from above, smiling from up there, on how our son has grown so handsome, smart, kind, brave." Hearing appa saying all that, with a crying voice. Makes me cry, he still doesn't notice I'm here. 

"I wish you hadn't left, I wish all of us could be here right now, for you to see our son someday get married, our grandchildren. But rest in peace, you gave me our son who is  nobler than the noblest child." Appa says. I break into a tears more. I walk towards my loving father, and put my hand on his shoulder. I hug him from behind. He immediately knows it's me. He holds my hand that is on his shoulder. 

"My beautiful son." Appa says. He turns around and looks at me, I look at him, we are both crying, we couldn't hold it anymore, we embraced each other in a very tight and loving hug. I tighten my hands around my appa, and cry on his shoulder. He rubs my back in a comforting matter. 

We pull away from the hug, now our foreheads pressed together, he says"I don't have anyone beside you." I hold his hands tight, we just stay like that for some time. My appa, my king, my supporter, my biggest role model, my only family. 


Jungkook's POV

Yesterday, when I came back from my talk with the prince, with Jimin. I still didn't tell the guys that I met the prince, I mean it's not a big deal, he is just a human. Anyways, when I came back, they told me that Ms. Hee-Young offered us a job, since she is getting older, she can't stand there all day in the sun, in the rain, in the wind, so the guys ,while I was gone said that we could help her out since we are looking for a job. She said that she can't give the money that we earn, since they need it to support her and Mr. Eun-Jeong, still Mr. Eun-Jeong also earns as a wood-maker, but they need every penny. She offered us meals, and we accepted it. It's a start, at least we get meals. 

Today is our first day, and actually we are working in shifts. First shift from 8:00 AM till 12:00 PM, second shift from 12:00 PM till 16:00 PM and last/third shift from 16:00 PM till 20:00 PM. We actually assigned that I work the first shift, Taehyung works second, Namjoon works third and Yoongi because he is a sleepy cat, decides to work either day whichever he chooses, working along side with Taehyung or Namjoon. Yes, so that's how we made a schedule. 

Now I am working, there is so many people, on the busiest street, where everything is. After I finish with my customer, and she leaves. The man in a hooded long cloak, comes closer. It's a little bit weird, but I still great him saying "Hello, sir how may I help you?" 

He keeps quiet for a few moments, when he finally speaks with a raspy voice"Oh, nothing, what I wanted I've already gotten rid of." 

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't quite understand it." I said confused. 

"Well, well, you don't remember your favorite uncle, I am really disappointed Jungkook." At first I was going to ask how does he know my name, but than it's just hit me. It's that son of a bitch, it's that killer, it's Eunwoo.

I am now getting really angry, he is just standing there calmly. 

"You son of a bitch." I almost screamed, getting ready to grab his collar. 

"A-a-a, you don't to cause the scene, do you?" He mocks me. 

"What do you want? How dare you even coming in front of me." I said. 

"Well, I see you getting on your feet, ha? Even made a good connections to that elder couple, what are they're your new parents. Ha ha."  He still mocks me, and how did he know about them, was he stalking us. 

"It would be really terrible, if something bad happens to them, wouldn't it. That they have to face the same destiny as your parents." When he says that threat, my eyes widen from horror. 

No, no. Nothing can happen to them, they are such good people. 

"Why are you doing this, they've done nothing to you. WHY?" I asked. 

"Well, your parents destroyed my happiness, I was supposed to be rich. But they were to NOBLE. Than you, and those brats of your friends survived, and I never actually completed my revenge. Than, I thought, you were finally going to start losing, but still made people like you. Mark my words, I will destroy everything you love, and you will watch it." 

I was going to punch him, but than other people came to buy food, they distracted me, but when I finally look towards the side where Eunwoo was, he disappeared into the crowd. 

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