Chapter :1- Ruler Of The Underworld

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Previous chapter has been updated so i would suggest you to take a look before starting with this chapter.

"The season of winter

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"The season of winter." He smiled to himself, but it wasn't joyous rather a sorrowful stretch of his lips. Looking over the void landscapes of his realm has always given him a piercing pain but today felt different. Instead there was a serene feeling, a feeling he experiences once in a while.

"The time of winter." He says to himself out loud this time with eyes closed, mouth slightly open, head tilted to the side, he took his precious time to bask in this moment. This time of the year in the human world held a special place in his heart, although he wouldn't accept it out loud.

This season brought frost, darkness, starvation and lastly death, a thing he is closely associated with. But at the same time winter brought Solitude which he is very much familiar with. Trees are lonely without it's leaves, streets are empty Without pedestrians, lands are barren without crops. Something that is similar with the scenery of his world, his house, the underworld. He felt equal, same as others despite the fact that it is only a matter of 3 or 4 months. Then again will come summers and spring, Sun will shone brightly again but not in his place, light will erase the darkness but not from his heart. His darkness is never to be erased, he is born out of it and will remain the same for eternity.

He has many titles, many names that are given to him by people who lived above. One of which is "the unlucky one", how accurate that is. He lived beneath everyone, his name was never taken in any occasion, his own family never asked for his whereabouts. Behind the faced of dark, giant Hades was a lonely boy who only cared for some affection, and when he was granted not even that, he tried finding his own happiness. The grief of others and the season of winter made him content, as if he was sharing the taste of his own life with them. He was framed for being ruthless, heartless, coldest of all gods but did they actually ever wanted to know the real him? Did they ever cared who Hades is?

"Lord Hades." A heavy masculine voice came from behind, Hades looked back. It was Thanatos, his companion in this world. Thanatos bowed down as soon as his eyes met with Hades. He have always respected him and has always been faithful to him, even though Hades never treated him anything less than equal. To him Thanatos was the brother he wished to have.

"There is new arrival of souls and they are waiting for you by the gates." He spoke again.

Hades stayed silent, only a nod of his head was enough for Thanatos to understand that he will be out there in a minute. Thanatos took his leave without saying anything further.

Hades looked at himself in the mirror. The new human form suited him very well. The boyish features in contrast of his real self was not so bad. He felt starting a new life again with this new face, a new identity, a new place, away from these darn responsibilities, away from his misery. No one can even guess his real self seeing his new form, he looked harmless. A guy who has no connections with the invisible world, a guy who is able to live a peaceful life, who is also worthy of starting a family. No! what is he thinking? He'll never be worthy of any of that. He is Hades, the most hated God, the cruel one. No women would ever want to associate with him, let alone starting a family.

He shook his head to get these type of thoughts out of his mind. He cannot go away, this is his life now, he is the chosen one and this is what he should care about. He is the ruler of his kingdom and any disruption here will mean chaos everywhere which he cannot afford. He should adequately play his role as the 'God of Dead' before, mourning about his lifeless life can be done afterwards.


"So this is the path to Elysian. Only if.... If one of you is lucky enough then you will walk through this path." Charon described as he guided the souls of dead into the underworld.

"And before us stands the palace of our king..... Bow down." He signals everyone to bow down and himself does the same.

"Are we supposed to go Tartarus after this?" A timid voice from the crowd of souls was heard. Charon looked at the direction and found a teenage girl wearing glasses. Being a full time flirt he knew this is his time to shine.

"Why? Were you being a naughty-..... "

"Enough." Thanatos growled from behind cutting charon short. The poor guy stood straight but at the same time felt relief thinking that it wasn't Hades.


"Charon is this-"

"Hey boss." This time Charon cut him mid sentence with his cheery smile and a fist held forward for a bump. Thanatos ignored it with a glare.

"Your work is over. I'll take the lead from here, you can leave now."

"LEAVE!!!" Charon's high pitched voice echoed in the vicinity. "And that too without greeting Lord Hades."

"Lord wouldn't be much pleased seeing your face."

"Don't think so highly of yourself."

"And you stop being so dramatic...I liked your old form much more, skull face suited you better."

"You're just jealous with my new handsome face..... And you liked my old self better because it was as boring as you,...not much sass and all."


"Sass.... Sassy?" Charon inquired. "You've never heard of these...... Ughhhhh..... Thanatos.... Bro" He placed one arm over the God of death's shoulder not minding that he can snap his neck with ease "That's why I tell you to come with me sometimes, we'll not only pick up the souls..... There are many fun stuffs in earth for us to do.."

Thanatos was furious with such disrespect but before he can take any action against Charon's over confidence, A figure from the dark emerged.

"HAIL BEFORE THE KING." Charon announced and the souls followed, Thanatos also bowed.

Hades dismissed them with a wave of hand, not liking this much attention. He took a close look at the faces of souls that arrived and by the look of their faces he understood who will take a place where. He send most of them in the Asphodel Meadows except two who were sent off to the fields of mourning. The souls took their leave after bidding a farewell to Charon, their entertaining guide.

"I'll also take my leave then, My Lord." Thanatos said and held Charon by the coller. "You too."

"But i-uh i-" Charon's protest didn't reach any of the God's ear and he was dragged out of the land.

Hades was left alone yet again but it didn't bother him at this point, he has a lot of work scheduled for the day. He took long strides to reach his next destination or his next task in hand, The Elysian fields.

The duties of the underworld is never ending, starting from the day to the end he was bound to serve unlike his brothers and sisters who were allowed to have breaks. He took pride in the title "Ruler of the underworld" but that was before, in his early days of being a king. Then only if he knew how dull and lonely this title would make him, he would have never participated in that draw of lots. He would've stayed as a minor deity, powerless, happy and surrounded by the light.

But now nothing can be done, nothing can be changed. At the end of the day he is Hades of the Underworld Or Hades, the underworld......

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞 ||𝐕𝐒𝐎𝐎||Where stories live. Discover now