Chapter 2

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Three years passed since I chose to leave. Since then, life seemed to finally fall into place with not much effort. What was once a scrambled puzzle was now a perfect picture piecing together. Most of my days were random visits to my parents, lunch dates with Em, and cooking new dinner recipes for Tim and me. Though we were financially stable, I worked as a part-time nurse at the city's hospital - more for my sake, I could not see myself morphing into the embodiment of a housewife. Tim knew the life I fled three years ago, told at a vague and surface leveled. I didn't want him to worry. He has no reason to worry.

So, when I told Tim about the letter, it didn't shock him as much, compared to if he didn't know about my past life. We were both just hoping it'd remain a story we'd share around a campfire about how well you got away with stuff. Except, I didn't get away.

"So, accomplice to the Sinaloa Cartel." We were both seated on our grey sectional couch, staring at the letter that sat between us. The wine bottle standing half empty on our coffee table.

"Yup", I take another big gulp.

"We might be looking at 5 years, Sky. The least." I wince at the sourness of his words. I hadn't thought much about the effect this may have on Tim. Sure, I thought about what our future might look like? Everything was going according to plan. Now I can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel. What if they make me serve 10 years? I'll be 38! Tim wouldn't wait for me that long. And I couldn't do that to Tim.

"What if we moved?" Tim looks at me with a pain and confused expression. I continue, "To like Panama or Honduras? We would blend right in with them." 

Tim drops his gaze from me and onto the letter separating us. "I need some air", he says and leaves with the half empty bottle of wine. 

Not a day later, I immediately teamed up with Em's parents who were both lawyers to assist me with the case. Em made sure they did not charge me for their service stating, "It's their payment for neglecting me as a child! Run them dry puta!". Having both parents as lawyers worked great financially but I think if anyone were to ask Em which is better, to raise a kid in money or in love? Em would reply, "Money only changes your location. Love is everything".

The charge was an accessory to the Sinaloa cartel for transporting duffel bags of cocaine across Miami borders. Three years later and they are charging me. There was a small hope for me considering how skillful the cartel was in covering their tracks in their operations by constantly switching cars, using codes, and using burnt phones which meant the phones were completely untraceable. So, finding evidence to accuse me with, especially if it was only done two to three times, seemed little to none.

But I had to come clean about everything in order to win against this case. Tim only knew what I shared with him. He didn't need to know all the details and he didn't mind, saying the past is the past. I hated sharing the details of my life 3 years ago. It was like peeling off a Band-Aid on a hairy arm.

But after a month of review and trying to find loopholes, I was up against strong evidence. A "fellow" member of the cartel had named me, and I failed to provide a sufficient alibi. 

"That fucking puta (bitch), I am going to kill her! I knew binge watching murder mystery shows wasn't pointless! What time you want me to pick you up? I think I still have her old address, perate (hold on) - ". I hear Em shuffling on the other side of the phone.

"Em, de que tu habla?(what are you talking about)."

"What do you mean what I'm talking about? Who else could have named you? I knew she was a slimy bitch when I saw her wearing sunglasses inside the club. Only slimy bitches do that."

"Em, she's many things, but a snitch is not one of them."

"Look, I know you two have history. I am just saying.... there wouldn't be any blood if we did this. I saw this one episode where all they used a glue stick and -".

"Ok, stop. We are not murdering anyone," letting out a sigh. "As much as I want another reason to despise her, I don't think she named me Em."

The courts easily closed my case with a settlement of twelve months in Ovrich Prison Facility. After being convicted as guilty, Tim followed through with his promise of not leaving my side. Being apart for one year scared me. Who knows who we'll be after one year, especially with me being spending a year in prison. Yet, even in my overthinking, Tim steered me into remaining positive and focusing on the many years we will have together once this is all over.

-------- present

Intertwining our hands, Tim walks me up to the gate. "Make sure you put me down as a visitor and caller as soon as you can. And call me as soon as you can." Tim grabs my face and presses his lips upon mine. The warm Texas heat engulfs us as we soak in this moment. I am going to miss him so much. I press my nose into his neck, inhaling his scent one last time and hugging him tightly almost leaving an imprint on him.

"I love you Skylar, I'll come see you as soon as I can" he said.

"I love you too, and hey .. Don't forget to take the trash out" we both chuckle softly. I release my hold on him and give him one last kiss. "12 months, then we'll be in Spain."  I promised him, to focus on our future and just serve the time. I want to keep my focus on my life out here with Tim. This was just a pit stop. I walk past the prison gates and look back one last time to the life that was placed on hold.

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