Chapter 11

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"Here's your official schedule. You're off today and you're still on kitchen duty. Got a problem with it, take it up with your counselor" Chau says as she focuses on her inventory list. She has a small room in the back kitchen with a desk and a bunch of papers plastered around every inch of the walls.

"Thank you, Ms. Ch -"

"And wash your apron dammit. It's fucking disgusting."

"Oh I thoug -" Chau lowers her head to look at me from the top of her glasses. "I'll go to laundry and get it washed" I reply with a half smile.

"Good now get out and shut my door."

I had woken up at 5am for my shift to then be told I have off. It would've been nice to sleep in. But at least I have a schedule now. I walk back to cell to find Hahn cuddled up fast asleep. Maybe a long nap would do me good.


"She sleeps like a fucking child. Seriously, she looks likes a spider squashed against the wall all spread out like that. Ew is she drooling?"

"You're a weirdo, stop staring at her. I'm gonna tell jefa" I hear Blanca chuckle.

Ugh, get these people out of here. I just need 10 more minutes. I shift into a fetus position hoping they'll get the hint to leave because they're disturbing my sleep.

"Yo Velez! Wakey, wakey." Blanca whistles.

"Ugh seriously Blanca, let me sleep" I say swatting my hand.

"Fine, I'll just give your package to someone else."

A package? I fling my eyes open and slowly turn to see Blanca standing there with Mari. I look around the cell. Where's Hahn?

"Hahn is with Jes in the T.V room having a date. Here, Angie wanted me to give you this."

I sit up and grab the bag from Blanca. It's a fresh white apron and extra socks. Why would Ang - How?

"You guys must be close. Nobody never gave me extra socks." Blanca says leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask

"Dropping off the package. And just checking to see how you're doing? Anddd waiting on Hahn, we need her for something" I look up at Blanca who is looking down at hands. "Still got that ring on huh."

I shrug, "Haven't had any problems with it."

"For now. Bitches are probably plotting on you, Velez. I've already warned you."

"Don't worry. She'll learn" Mari says, looking out of my cell.

I roll my eyes. "Hey, do you know if the phones are open?"

"Yeah they opened a few hours ago. But you should leave now if you want to use them. The lines can be pretty long" Blanca replies.

I rush putting on my shoes. "I'll see y'all later. Tell Hahn I'll be in the library if she needs me."

"You're not gonna eat?" Blanca asks.

"Not hungry." I yell back

I nearly run to the phones with excitement rushing through my veins. I'm finally going to talk to Tim. I turn the corner to see a line that curves to into another hallway. A wave of annoyance and frustration comes over me. I'll be here for an hour. I reach the back of the line and lean against the wall. Prison is draining enough. Why can't they incorporate a better system for these phones. I let out a heavy sigh and close my eyes as I slowly move along with other looking to speaking to their loved ones. At least, I'll get to talk Tim. And then I'll call Em, who's most likely with mami and papi.


I dial Tim's phone number. "Please state your name after the beep"

"Skylar", I wait with anticipation to hear Tim's voice.

"Skylar!? Babe! Are you okay!?? What the hell took so long? I-I trie-"

"Tim, breathe!" I laugh, "But also keep talking. I missed your voice." I say with glossy eyes. I feel overjoyed again. "Where are you right now? What have you been up to?"

"I'm just a my parents house. And nothing new. Everyday is the same. I don't want to talk about me. I miss you Sky. Tell me everything, don't hold back." I smile against the phone as I mentally try to press rewind on the last couple days, when I caught a glimpse of Austin.

"We-well, it's just been a lot. Trying to get use to everything with people I don't know if I could trust. I work in the kitchen. I actually have off today. I was going to check out the library when I get off the phone with Em."

"Oh right, well here get off the phone with me and call them. I'll come in tomorrow to visit and I'll talk to Em and see if she'd like to join."

"2 MORE MINUTES" a security guard yells. For a moment I look back at all the women groaning and giving death stares. Even though this was just a 30 second call, I am still grateful.

"Can you call mami and papi for me? They just gave the 2 minute warning and these women are upset."

"Ok, ok I will. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you. Enjoy your day off at the library."

"I love you I'll see you tomorrow." I instantly hear the dial tone. From the corner of my eye I see two fingers pressed down on the phone tab, that are not mine. I slowly turn around with my mouth wide open. A woman with blonde hair and thick black eyebrows, obnoxiously chewing gum staring at me.

"You said I love you bitch. I need to call my daddy. Move."

I scoff at what just occurred right in front of me. Mentally, I saw myself grab a full grip of her head and smash her head against the pay phone.

"Move it, Velez" security guard tells me.

"Did you not just see what she did!?"

"I'm really not in the mood to break up a fucking cat fight. Your call finished. Now keep it moving."

Astonished. But I refuse to interrupt the joy I felt hearing from Tim. I'll just have to be smarter and more aware of my surroundings. I look back the girl twirling the phone string and giggling like a 13 year old over the phone. I roll my eyes and decide to walk away and make my way to the library.

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