Chapter 18

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After my bittersweet conversation with mami, I make my way to my cell, lying on my thin mat sleep comes easy, allowing me to escape reality. With everyone at the basketball game, the halls are much quieter, making it easy to fall to sleep. Suddenly a sense of rough, heavy hands rises up my thighs and a body pressing onto me. The uncomfortable sensation brings me to come face to face with Kim.

"Hey beautiful. I thought I'd come visit you all alone here."

Anger, confusion and fear contorts my face within seconds but ultimately lands on fear. Behind her are 2 other female inmates guarding outside my cell.

"Get off of me .. right now" I spat.

"Oh c'mon beautiful relax, I haven't stopped thinking about you since the showers."

Kim places soft wet kisses on my neck as she forces herself between my legs. With locked wrists above my head, she applies force to her kisses and squeezes my breasts. The weight of her body entraps me in place, not allowing me to defend myself. I think of the times I learned to combat against positions like this with Austin but with years passing by my body doesn't remember the muscles.

"Come on beautiful let me see you"

The words make my stomach sour. A yelp for help struggles to come out but is loud enough for Kim to hear and she punches my cheekbone.

"Stay fucking quiet" she says through her teeth.

Shocked by the hit, I stare back into nothing but lust and anger. Never once in my life had this once occurred. Frozen by fear, my mind drifts off to my parents if they'd knew what was happening to their only daughter. Then to Tim, who would imprison these women to their death. Then to Austin, who would put these women to death.

"Kim we've got eyes!"

"Well you know what to do" Kim yells back her hand reaching between my thighs.

"What's going on here?

Hahn? Hahn!!

"None of your business. Keep walking" one replies.

"This is my cell. Now move or you'll both regret it."

Kim growls at me with frustration, "This isn't over." She rushes out with her minions following behind.

"Hey Velez are you okay!? I'm so sorry I didn't know what was happening. Your nose it's ... bleeding"

Worry fills Hahn and Jess's eyes. Never have I felt so weak and vulnerable. Never has this occurred. Feeling embarrassed and violated and angry, Hahn shifts my face to look at her, "Hey, we'll take care of it. Okay? I'm so sorry Velez."

Take care of it? How? But then the tear drop on Hahn's face becomes vibrant. Jess never shared her story with me but she would do anything Hahn asks. This wasn't their responsibility nor problem as much as they care for me. This was mine and mine to solve.

"No I'll take care of it. And it's fine, thank you. Both." Hahn embraces me like a child who lost their mother and I could feel Hahn and Jess exchanging looks. They stayed with me the entire time, missing the basketball game.

"No sweat Velez. I already know who wins" Hahn replies confidently. Their peace brought me peace as we sit in our cell talking about future weddings. Occasionally my mind drifts off to fantasized scenarios of Tim's reaction to the bruise on my face. He was coming to visit again in 2 days, not enough time to get the swelling down but a good time to visit the commons.

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