.:. Chapter(?) One. .:.

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T/W:Self Harm, Signs of abuse, Smoking, 

Swap would sit there, messing with his scarf even with cuts and bruises all over his body. He didnt like it but it was for the AUS. He knew ink and dream were just stressed, but it hurt, so bad. He would hear snow crunching near him and he would jolt up, summoning a sharp, pointed bone as a weapon. 

----- Swaps POV. (i guess.)

I would call out, 'Who's there!' and hear their footsteps stop. Then he heard them pick up something and run towards where I was. I froze at the sight of them. 'Nightmare?' I paused. 'What are you doing here?' "None of your business pipsqueak." His hoarse voice would respond. 'Well.. Aren't you gonna capture me or something?' i asked, confused as to why he wasn't trying to fight me. "..No? " the dark colored skeleton would respond, "Why would i do that? I'm just looking for somewhere to rest." He would end with a sigh, leaning against a tree, when his eye widened a little but, he schooled his expression. 'Do.. You want to come sit near me? ' I would pat the ground beside me, and he moved over to me, sitting down.  I would reach into my pocket, pulling out a smoke and lighting it, standing up and a little bit away from nightmare, as to not get smoke in his eyes. I would light it. Nightmare looked at me in confusion, which i didn't understand. "You.. Smoke?" He, Nightmare questioned him. ' Yes i do. ' I said, coughing as the smoke went into my nasal cavity. "Why? You have everything you want. " he questioned yet again. 'No, i do not. You do not know what i go through. Now, please leave me alone while i finish this. ' As the rest of the addicting tobacco burnt away, i threw the butt into the snow, to put it out, slumping back down. Nightmare was suprisingly warm, so i leaned against his shoulder, the silence enveloping us. He looked down, at my barren legs, and gasped in suprise at the amount of bruises on him. " There is no way you get that many from fights. " He says, deadpanning yet again.  ' No i do. ' I would lie, but to no avail, as he can tell emotions. " So, whos hurting you? " he questions out of curiosity, and hatred, as his friend, or as you may know him, passive nightmare had been bullied into eating the apple, making him what he is now. ' I cannot tell you that. ' i would say, in a monotonous tone. " well, i mean, if you need a break, i could 'kidnap' you. " He puts kidnap in air quotes. ' You really weren't going to anyways? ' I would question confused. " No. I wouldn't. I was really just looking for you, you seemed a bit.. off per say at the fight. " 'oh. well, shouldn't we be going? ' i changed the topic, bouncing back into my cheerful tone. " i guess we should, now this is going to be a bit uncomfortable. I will have to tie you up until we get to the base and put a blindfold on you."  he pauses. "for safety precautions." Nightmare would then tie me up and put a blindfold on me, and teleport to his base.

Woo! Wrote 568 words on this chapter! This is just the start though. <3 - A/N

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