start of what

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Summer ended which meant school was about to start. Mina was now in 11th grade, 2 years left and she would escape the hell... waking up at 7am, barely getting any sleep, being tired 25/8... the list goes on.

But she was sad because it also meant parting ways with her best friend. She knew well it would be harder after school.. university entrance exams, then socializing there in university, finding job..

The thoughts were cut off by her mother's voice

-Mina!! You're gonna be late!!! Look at the time!!

Mina jumped off her seat as she realized she had been overthinking for nearly 30 minutes. She ran out of the house and suddenly stopped as she realized she was still wearing slippers.


She quickly put on her shoes, grabbed the bag and ran out while yelling


*timeskip: at school*

-hey Kiki!! I really thought i'd be late

-did you not look at the new schedule? Classes start at 10am now, we still have time to walk around

For some reasons, many students transferred here this year. Because of that, there weren't enough rooms and they had to devide some classes and put the kids in different classrooms.

This is how Mina got in the most depressing situation: her and Kiki got into different classes.

-look Mina, my class is literally next to yours. I'll see you on every break, don't be dramatic please!!

-how can i live without you?? I will start crying if someone speaks to me!! You know i can't talk to people i'm very awkward i need you with me!!

-dude! I didn't decide this! Go away now the class is about to start!

Mina finally left, now calm and relaxed sitting and minding her own business...

-is this seat taken? - asked purple haired boy

-no, you can sit here - she said not taking her eyes off the boy. She felt like she has seen him before, but didn't know where and when.

The boy noticed her looking at him

-what is it?

-oh, nothing! I just feel like i've seen you somewhere.

-i'm soobin, you've probably seen me in the halls or... aren't you the girl who confessed to Beomgyu?

Suddenly she remembered everything, she remembered all of their faces, their reactions, the flashbacks hit her harder than ever which made her blush, she felt so embarrassed

-nooo~ that's not how it was! Uh let me explain. - she signaled soobin to sit, got in comfortable position ready to tell the story -i don't actually like Beomgyu, i've never had feelings for him and i only know his name. I just wanted ice cream and didn't have money, - she said the last words with guilty expression on her face


-but i should tell Beomgyu about it but i don't know how to because that would be awkward, i just feel really bad for doing it, i'll give you money and you give it to him and tell him about the situation!! Can you? - she said all this is in one breath.

As she was waiting for soobin to answer, she saw two boys approaching them, one of them was the one and only Choi Beomgyu. Mina felt her cheeks heat up and decided to hide her face but she failed as soobin said

-he's here! You can tell him by youself.

-yea... sure.. uh.. hi.. here! - she handed Beomgyu the money took a deep breath and got ready to explain everything - i'm sorry for what i did, i don't even know you and i've never had any feeling for you, i just wanted ice cream and didn't have money - again, she said it all in one breath.

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