bonus chapter

585 29 16

It has been two years after their first kiss. And today was probably and hopefully not the day of their last kiss.

It was graduation day. Well Beomgyu was planning to tell Mina something but they were both so busy that day.

Mina was already sad becouse she thought she wouldn't be able to see Beomgyu so often. Maybe this was just high school love that would go away in few hours.

Everyone's parents were there at their kid's graduation day. And apperantly Beomgyu and Mina only had each other.

They finally found each other and went in park near school, just to be alone and talk without anyone interrupting them.

-what are you planning after school? - mina broke the silence

-i was going to talk to you about that - mina felt pain in her stomach, she felt anxious and scared of what he was gonna say

She nodded in response

-well.. years ago my uncle bought a house for me. He knew the situation in my family and that i would have to do everything on my own. Now i'm already an adult i can live alone.. i mean it would be really sad if i lived alone and.. like...


-i thought.. maybe.. you and i.. could live together

Mina chocked on air as she heared those words, as if she didn't see this comming. But it was still shocking to hear.

-i.. are you sure?

-yea!! I got a job you know and then you'll get a job too and like.. i mean if you want to stay with you parents..

-no! I.. i can take care of myself.. there's actually one caffee and uh they're gonna interview me on monday so..

-so? We're gonna.. live together?


Beomgyu started laughing out if happiness and hugged Mina so tightly

-Beomgyu i can't breathe!!

A.N: i hate happy endings so much but i just wrote one :((

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