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Mina's pov:

Finally it's friday which means i can go home and sleep all day. Just thinking about my comfortable and warm bed, cold pillow, cozy blanket... my sweet room, my lovely bed, oh how i love to sleep after tiring day...

-Mina!! Are you listening?! Mina!! - i heared familiar voice calling my name which forced me to come back to reality, i was ready to throw punches until i realized it's soobin... i would punch him but we're not that close yet

-so are you coming or not? I mean... are you coming or... yes?

-what kind of question is that? Also what are you talking about

-so you weren't listening. - he sighed and then continued - we're going to hang out after school and by "we" i mean: beomgyu, yeonjun, kai, taehyun and kiki

-can i say no?


Well.. shit! I'm stuck.

-where are we going?

-well.. if you're planing to leave the school right now maybe we can figure out

-wait.. classes ended?

-yea like.. 15 minites ago



-never yell at me dude, that's rude!

Soobin fake cried out of frustration.

They finally left the school and saw their friends waiting for them at the school's gate

-why did it take yall so long? - asked yeonjun furrowing his eyebrows

-she was dancing in the clouds, or perhaps sleeping, who knows

-i was planing the m*rder of choi soobin - she said smiling at soobin

-oh no you're in trouble soobin! Are you really ready to have her as your close friend cuz you might want to suffocate her someday - said Kiki and instantly regreted it when she saw i glaring at her

We decided to go to amusement park. It was still work day so not many kids were there to interrupt teenagers from having fun.

-ok where should we go first?

-what about ferris wheel? - Kiki suggested with excited look on her face

-sounds fun - soobin seemed to like her idea

-BUT - started yeonjun - to make it more fun.. i'll go with soobin

-ok great, i'll go with Kiki - i said smiling at my best friend

-no! Kiki will come with me and taehyun!! - Kai joined the conversation

-looks like we're going together - Beomgyu walked closer to me - are you scared of height

-yes she is and that's why it was better for us to go together - Kiki answered before i could say anything, knowing i would stutter if i opened my mouth, then she continued - i always hold her hand to make her feel at ease - i could see her smirking even though she was trying so hard to hide it

-ok i can do that - Beomgyu said while smirking. Oh how i hate when they make this face.

We finally got on ferris wheel, i was trying so hard to distract myself and not look down.

I like looking at the view from there, everything looks beautiful, even the places that make you feel stresfull look very pretty from here. It makes me feel comfortable and scared at the same time.

Maybe i'm scared because it's so strange to me since i don't get to see this often. Maybe i'm scared because it makes ugly things feel beautiful, which is.. unusual. Maybe i'm scared because it makes me feel things i don't usually feel.

I felt warm hand grabbing my hand which is shaking, seems like i was scared though i didn't notice feeling fear. I looked at beomgyu who was now holding my hand.

-your hands were shaking, i'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable i can.. - he tried to let go of my hand but i grabbed it and smiled at him

-no we can hold hands, i mean.. if you're not uncomfortable because it really helps me calm down

-okay - he gave me one last smile before looking at the view.

It was really quiet there, even though i was scared of the height, i still wanted to stay there. I wanted to look at this ethereal beauty, i even enjoyed the feeling you get in your stomach when you're scared.. maybe it wasn't that but at least i liked it, and i wanted it to last longer than it did.

We got up as we reached the ground, Beomgyu helped me get off the cabin. I tried to let go of his hand but it seemed he didn't want to, or maybe he didn't realize we were still holding hands.

Everyone got together again. They all were in different mood than few minutes before.

Soobin and Yeonjun looked like tomatoes. They were holding hands and trying not to make eye contact with anyone, even each other.

Then Soobin looked at me and shyly smiled, everything was obvious: one of has them confessed.

-congrats guys!! - i said

-YOO WAIT!! SO I WASN'T IMAGINING IT?! - kai screamed in excitement - CONGRANTS GUYS!!

-now we have two couples, great. - Said Kiki pointing at Soobin and Yeonjun then Beomgyu and me

-Kiki stop it! I was scared! That's why we held hands! - i tried to let go let go of his hand, agin but failed...

-now i'm scared - he said while looking at me in the eyes

-what are you scared of dude we're literally standing on the ground, - i tried my best to play it cool and hide my red cheeks, I EVEN CALLED HIM DUDE

-i'm scared to lose you - he said not taking his eyes off me.

I just want to cry and scream at this point, why is he so flirty all of the sudden. AND WHY IS HE MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY.

He smirked as he noticed me panicking internally, even though i tried my best to not show it, my body did its job perfectly and gave me hypertension, i thought my heart would explode.

He let go of my hand only when we played the shooting game, i hoped he wouldn't hold my hand again but my hopes crushed as he handed me teddy bear and grabbed my other hand to hold it for the rest of the day.

I slowly got used to it and sometimes even forgot i was holding hands with him. I got reminded only when others mebtioned it. Everyone was reasing us but well.. i slowly got used to that too.

Kai fell 2 times today. First fall cost so much... he accidentally pushed the toy stand and we had to pay for the damage. And the second fall was literally the most destructive fall i've ever seen because all of us ended up on the ground.

It was getting dark and we decided to go to our houses. Kiki called her father and went home, Yeonjun and Soobin... i have no idea where they went but i know they were together. Seemed like i had to go home alone but guess what

-do you live far from here?

(Now tell me did you like this chapter? Cuz this is my fav one so far lol)

(Sorry if there's any spelling mistake i just write so past.. i mean i do edit it but sometimes i just miss the little mistakes so yea don't mind it.. or just tell me and i'll fix it)

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