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Tw: mention of anxiety, depression, panick attack

Holiday was over and now suffering has started again. It was now 2nd semester and of course Mina received a "gift" for new semester... Nari was going to attend her school.. wow.. how cool...

Beomgyu was acting really weird since Nari showed up. He would complitely ignore Mina when he was with Nari, then show up out of nowhere and start flirting with Mina. It confused her and it was obvious that Beomgyu didn't notice how she had developed feeling for him.

It was eating her up from the inside. She loved being near Beomgyu, feeling his presence near her, it made her feel safe and comfortable, it made her feel strong and weak at the same time. She knew she couldn't have him and it hurt her so much.

As the days passed by Nari was getting closer and closer to Beomgyu. Mina just couldn't do anything about it.

She was now walking out of school, thinking about upcoming test in biology as she felt someone grab her wrist.

-hey Mina! Where are you going? - Nari said while smiling at Mina


-aww... you must be busy with studying, i was gonna ask you to hang out with me and Beongyu but... if you're going... - she walked away afrer saying those which made Mina cunfused.

Then suddenly Nari came back and continued

-i know you like Beomgyu - she said and sighed as if she was holding those words for ages trying so hard to keep it to herself

-i..don't?? - Mina played it so cool almost convinced herself into believen what she just said

-don't play dumb Mina. Look.. - she took a deep breath then continued - me and Beomgyu have been friends since childhood, i know him so well, i know what he likes, what makes him happy, i know what makes him sad, i know how to comfort him, how to make him feel better.. don't look at me as your enemy, just remember that Beomgyu will never love you, he will never choose you over me! Understand?

She said all that while smiling, if you didn't listen to words, it would look like she was about to hand you the whole world.

Mina didn't know what to say, she didn't know how to react

-you can have him. - she said and tried to walk away but stopped as she felt Nari grab her wrist again, but this time her grip felt fainful

-you're not allowed to talk to him either! Got it? - she said, again smiling

-who are you to make rules for me - said Mina emphasizing every word, receiving a gasp from Nari

-Beomgyu's future girlfriend

-omg you're so delusional Nari, please get out of my way - she said freeing her hand and walked away, ignoring Nari.

Even though she played it really cool and made Nari mad with her unbothered reaction, she felt her anxiety rise. Nari's words really affected her, she started overthinking even more.

Surprisingly, Kiki didn't know anything about this. They didn't talk much after holidays. They became distant and Mina blamed this all on high school. It was the time when you start detaching from your peers. It was very stressful for Mina, more stressful than anything else since she also had attachment issues and was really bad at making new friends. Kiki was the only one she had and she didn't wanna lose her.

Now she already lost Beomgyu, she convinced herself that whatever Nari said was right. He would never look at Mina.

She locked herself in her room and cried. She was trying so hard to cry louder than her thoughts but the thought were just getting stronger. Mina was shaking as she thought of everything happening in her life. She wasn't very close with her friends anymore, university entrance exams were getting closer and she felt like she was wasting time, the only boy she has ever developed feeling for would never like her back, even her parents made her think she was a disappointment and a burden...

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