37- somethings his never done for anyone else but you

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Something He Does For You He Hasn't Done For Any Other Girlfriend

Harry: He drops you off at your dorm building and you were shocked when he didn't lean in to kiss you. He's been quoted many times saying he always kisses on the first date and when he doesn't even try to kiss you once on your first date, you're incredibly insecure. When you ask him about it several months into your relationship, he just shrugs his shoulders. "You're different than any other girl; I didn't want to mess it up by making you feel uncomfortable when I tried to kiss you that night"

Liam: Liam is in good health but every once in a while he has to go to the hospital for a routine checkup on his kidney. He leads you through the hallway of the hospital towards the office he knows too well, squeezing your hand. You sit back as the doctor examines your boyfriend, staying out of the way as much as possible when the lab tech comes in to draw blood. "Did they look at Danielle like that? Like I should feel sorry for you because you only have one kidney?" you question and Liam shrugs. "She never came with me" he says and you nod. "Too busy?" you ask and he chuckles. "I never asked her to come" he explains further and you just stare at him. "You're the first person besides my parents to come with me" Liam says with a small smile after he gets the all clear from the doctor. "Why, why me?" you ask as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. "I needed you to be here for this" he says simply.

Niall: You're halfway through a date you can't even remember the number of when Niall's passing some of his pasta onto your plate. As you eat the pasta he's raving about, you think back on your past dates and realize he's always done this. He's always past you pieces of whatever was on his plate. "Niall... I thought you didn't share your food" you question aloud later that night as you're walking around the darkening streets of London. "I don't" he responds, hands in his pockets as you wrap your arms around his elbow. "You've always shared with me... even on our first date" you tell him. "You're my princess... I knew that even before taking you out for the first time" Niall tells you, turning his head towards yours to kiss your forehead.

Louis: You and Lou had been together for 3 years. You all had been through so much and you couldn't imagine being with anyone else. One day you had come up with the idea of getting a new tattoo. You had had a few in mind that you wanted to get but weren't really sure which one to get. You walked into the living room and told your idea to your boyfriend who was sitting on the couch watching TV on his day off. "Another one?" he questions. "Yeah I can't decide which one to get though will you help me choose?" you ask him as he sighs agreeing to help you make the decision. "I like this one?" he asks pointing to the infinity symbol with "More Than This" written as a part of the design you had drawn up in honor of your favorite song he and his band sings. "That's the one I was thinking of" you smile kissing him slightly. He took you to the parlor to get inked with nervousness in his eyes. He never liked this place but he was always with you to hold your hand every time. When your tattoo was finished Lou looked at it and smiled. "I love it. It looks great." he kisses you before saying something you didn't expect. "What do you think about me getting one?" he asks. "Seriously?! What do you want to get?" you exclaim excitedly. "That one" he says pointing to the one you had just gotten. "This one?" you smile. "Let's get it done then" the tattoo artist says eager for a fresh canvas. Lou doesn't show the pain on his face but you can tell he wants to scream. You kiss his hand continuously reassuring him that the pain will end soon and he will love it the results. When the artist had finished Lou steps up the mirror turning around to look at the tattoo he had just gotten on his shoulder blade. "It's awesome" he says smiling kissing your forehead. You two pose for a picture showing off your matching tattoos and post it on Twitter. The fans go ballistic knowing how much Lou disliked tattoos yet proving to the world that you were something special.
Zayn: you come home to a large wrapped box with a bow laid on your bed. You smirk wondering how it got there since your boyfriend was on tour. You walk over to the box sliding to top off and gazing in as you gasp. Before you is a gorgeous drawing of the park that the two of you had met in. You smiled happily at the sheer beauty of the painting wondering how much if must have cost him. You scanned over the details of the drawing when you notice a familiar scribble in the corner. It was your boyfriend's signature. He had drawn this gorgeous picture for you and you were ecstatic. You immediately tweet a picture with the caption @(y/t/n) Look what @zaynmalik drew for me!! It's gorgeous right?" the fans swooned as the flood of tweets poured in all talking about how much you must mean to him since he had never drawn anything but silly cartoons before.

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