#5-Voice Message He Sends You

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Voice Recording he sends you!

Harry: "Hi kitten. I just missed you and needed to hear your voice, so I guess your voicemail will have to do. I still remember the day you recorded it, you wouldn't go get icecream with me til you thought of something to say and damn, I love you, call me."

Liam: "Hiya babe. I'm so glad I didn't wake you. Just wanted to leave you a something for when you wake up to remind you how much I love you. I don't ever want you to forget that alright? I love you so much and I'm always thinking about you. "

Louis: "Damn we keep missing each other, guess were both pretty good at phone tag yeah? But uhh...I'm just gonna wait up for a bit, I have so much to tell you. Hopefully you'll call again so I can hear your voice. I love you!"

Niall: "My god you'll never guess what I just did, fuck I wish you were here. Buy you need to call me back so I can tell you all about it! Oh, and so I can tell you how much I love and miss you of course. Call me back princess!"

Zayn: "So I'm lying here refusing to get out of bed 'cause that means I'm gonna have to leave your pillow, which means I'll miss your smell. So basically...I'm just trying to say I really miss you. I'll talk to you soon, I love you."

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