26) Meeting his siblings

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Zayn: Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa were sitting in your flat when you walked in the door from work. They were laughing at something Zayn was saying. “Crap.” You whisper; you’d completely forgotten that his sisters were going to visit so that you could meet them. The door shut heavily behind you and they all quiet down. “Y/N? Babe, come in here. I want you to meet my sisters.” You can hear the smile in his voice and you see it when you walk into the room. The three girls are watching you like hawks when you cross the room to sit next to Zayn in the armchair. Safaa breaks into a grin. “It’s great to meet you!” Waliha and Doniya soon express the same sentiment. By the end of the evening, all of you are laughing as the girls tell you stories about Zayn from his younger days.

Niall: “C’mon, Princess, Greg won’t bite.” For the first time, you are meeting your boyfriend’s brother and you couldn’t be more nervous. What if he doesn’t like you at all and he tells Niall that and then Niall stops loving you? “Y/N, it’ll be fine. I love you and nothing’s going to change that.” he kisses you briefly before pulling you through the door of the restaurant. Greg is sitting at a table at the far end of the building, but he looks up when the two of you walk in. “You got yourself a pretty one, Niall.” Greg says. It’s slightly awkward at first, but slowly you start to relax. After you all have eaten your fill, which is most of what the restaurant had to offer, Greg just bluntly says, “I like you, Y/N. You’re perfect for my baby brother.” You can’t help but blush and when you look over at Niall you see he’s blushing a little bit too. 

Louis: It was the most awkward and embarrassing thing ever. You both had known they were coming over to celebrate Lou’s birthday. But you and Lou were making out on the couch when your front door opened. Daisy was the first one inside, soon followed by Charlotte, Phoebe, and Felicity. “Ewwwww!” they all shrieked. “Stop eating your girlfriend, Louis!” One of them said. “We want to meet her. Mum’s about to come inside, so I would move.” Sure enough, seconds later Jay walked inside. “It’s so good to see you again, Y/N. And Louis could you come help me with some of the things in the car?” It’s not like he could really say no, so he followed his mother back outside. The girls walk into the kitchen, all except for Charlotte who just stands in front of you.  ”So, you are this Y/N that he talks about to Mum all the time?” Charlotte asks you with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. “Yes?” It’s almost like she’s interrogating you as she keeps throwing questions at you about him and you and your relationships, past present and in the future.  Just as Charlotte asks the question “Have you two gone all the way yet?” Louis walks back inside. The sound that comes out of his mouth is not a sound that is explainable, but it sounded kind of like “Ngghhuulagho?” He put the box he was carrying down and came over to sit next to you on the couch. She repeats the question to him and then you see him smirk. “All night, every night,” he tells her before he starts to once more make out with you. “Gross.” She walks away. Later before they leave though, you over hear the four girls telling Lou how much they like you.

Liam: They were nice and sweet to you.It was a family dinner and you thought you were getting along well with both Nicola and Ruth. Everyone was laughing and telling you silly stories about Liam, they even pulled out old pictures. After dinner, he took you to his old room and was showing it to you. then you needed to go to the bathroom and walked back towards the kitchen which you had to pass through. His sisters and mother when in there, talking. “I like her, she’s really nice. I haven’t seen him this happy in a while and that’s saying something.” Nicola says. You’re about to step into the room when you hear Ruth clear her throat. “I don’t really like her. She seems kind of, I don’t know. There’s just something I don’t like about her. She’s going to break his heart, Mum.” You gasp and turn back to find Liam standing right behind you. He looks angry. And when he gets mad he gets mad. He wraps his arm around you and walks into the room, drawing you with him. “You’re wrong. You couldn’t be more wrong! Y/N is perfect for me, she’ll never break my heart. It was wonderful to be home, but I think we’ll be leaving.” And with that he walks you out the door and you both get into his car. When you get home there’s a missed call on his phone from Ruth. He ignores it, but when he leaves the room you pick up the phone and call her back. “I’m so sorry! I was wrong, I didn’t realize how much you mean to each other and I’m just really sorry. Please forgive me.” She says in a rush when she answers. “It’s fine. I know you were just looking out for him.” You stay on the phone with her for several more minutes, just getting to know each other better.

Harry: You actually met Gemma before you met him. You started to work with her and soon became best friends with her. the embarrassing thing is you didn’t even figure out that they were siblings until you noticed a picture on her desk of her and him and their mother. “I feel like such an idiot!” You’d told her. “I didn’t even consider you two being related!” She thought that was the funniest thing she’s ever heard because she laughed about it for several minutes. You’d known her for a few months when she had a birthday party and invited you of course (since you’re her bff and all). That’s where you met Harry. He fell instantly head over heels, literally. He slipped and fell into the pool. After you helped him out, he asked you on a date. Gemma thought you two made the most adorable couple ever and convinced you to say yes which you already wanted to do. All throughout your relationship, Gemma supported you and her little brother, until the day that she walked in on you two. 

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