#3-He Makes You Insecure

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He makes you insecure

Harry: You've always been jealous of Harry's body. He has a perfect model body and you are obese. You felt as if he is trying to be better than you. Better than he already is. He's constantly working out, eating healthy, and showing off his body. You are the total opposite. You're sitting in yours and Harry's hotel room. Harry walks in with his shirt buttoned half way, showing off his bird tattoos. "Let's go get some ice cream," he says. You couldn't believe him. "Are you serious?!" you exclaim. "What?" he asks extremely confused. "First, you go to the gym, then dress like you're hot stuff or something, and then want to go to eat ice cream!" you yell. "I don't see the problem," he says. "Harry, I feel like you're trying to make me look bad. Like, make me look like pig. I want to have a perfect body, and eat healthy, and get in shape like you. But I can't!" you explain. "And why not?" he asks. "Because I don't know how," you say. "Love, if you wanted help, you should've asked me. I would've helped you. I mean I can still help you, but you'll have to work hard at it. And I didn't mean to make you insecure, (Y/N)," he says, apologetically. "It's alright. Thank you," you say. "Why don't we get frozen yogurt instead?" he suggests. "Sounds good," you agree

Liam: You and Liam had just started dating a few weeks ago. Danielle, Liam's ex girlfriend, visited him and his band mates yesterday. Since then, Liam has not stopped talking about her. They broke up a year ago and in your perspective, Liam hasn't gotten over her. You woke up this morning finding Liam sat on the couch watching a video of Danielle dancing. "What are you watching?" you ask, as if it's not obvious. "Danielle. Isn't she a great dancer?" he asks. You sit next to him sighing. "Pretty great," you reply. He stops the video and looks over at you. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Nothing. Just my boyfriend keeps talking about his ex girlfriend since the day she came to visit is all," you complain. "Are you jealous?" he asks. You scoff and say, "More like insecure. People tell her that she's sexy and then people tell me that I'm cute. Just cute. Cute doesn't beat sexy, Liam!" you explain. "(Y/N), we are just friends. She's probably just as insecure as you are. But, guess what? I'm with you, not her," he says. You look away from him and stare at the floor. "How about this? If you stop being insecure, I'll stop talking about her. Is that a deal?" he asks and you just nod in response.

Niall: Niall's tour just ended and he's decided to take you to Costa Rica. You need a new bathing suit, so you bring Niall with you to pick one out. Once you've finally found one, Niall suggests that you try it on. You walk into the dressing room and put the bathing suit on. It's a cute two piece with ruffles on it. "Let me see it, love," Niall says from behind the door. You walk out and strike a pose. He smirks, but something grabs his attention elsewhere making him frown a little. "Um, the ruffles look weird. I'll pick a different one out for you," he says. You nod and walk back into the dressing room and wait. Finally, he throws one over the door. You look at the suit on the hanger, making your stomach drop. "It's a one piece," you call out to Niall. "I know, but I kind of like it," he says. You try it on anyways, later seeing that the bathing suit covers all the way up to your collarbone and there's an attached skirt covering your bum. You start to feel insecure, wondering why Niall would suggest such an ugly and unrevealing swimsuit. After thinking hard for a while, you start to get angry. "Is this some kind of a joke?" you ask him. "What's a joke?" he asks. You walk out and cross your arms. "Oh, that's much better," he says. "Well, I don't like it. In fact, I want to know why you picked this one. This looks like a freaking granny suit, Niall!" you yell. "I'm sorry, it's just-! Can we just-," he starts, but pulls you into the dressing room, closing the door behind him. "I saw a group of boys looking at you and I didn't like it. I picked this one out hoping that you would like this one rather than the other one," he confesses. "Just ignore those people, Niall. I love you and only you. Now, can we just buy the other one and call it good?" you ask. Niall nods and you quickly change back into your clothes.

Zayn: You and Zayn are on a date at a fancy restaurant. This is the first time in a month that you've gotten to see him and you want to make the best of it. You two are assigned to a very beautiful waitress. Nice figure with a Barbie face. You try not to get insecure over this, so you just keep your eyes on Zayn. The waitress leaves with your order of drinks and you catch Zayn looking over at her. He smirks at her making you move uncomfortably in your seat. When he looks back at you, he asks, "What's wrong?" You look at him disgusted. "What?" he asks again. "Oh please, I saw you looking at her," you say. "Is that a crime?" he asks. "Of course it is! Men with girlfriends don't look at other girls butt's!" you yell quietly. "(Y/N), she's like ten years old!" he says, pointing in the same direction he was looking at. You turn around to see a little girl sitting with her family. She looks over and waves. You wave back with a sad smile. Turn around and lean your head against you fist. "I'm sorry. I thought you were looking at that waitress," you confess. "Do you honestly think she is attractive? She looks like plastic," he says. You chuckle and apologize again.

Louis: You've been dating Louis for 2 months and you loved him so much. You two are sitting on the couch watching a movie. You couldn't help, but want to kiss him. You stared at him almost throughout the whole movie. When he finally looks over, you kiss him hard. You start to have an extremely hot make out session. You start to take off your shirt when Louis pulls your shirt back down. He breaks the kiss and asks, "What are you doing?" "Taking my shirt off," you say in an obvious tone. "Please don't," he says. "Why, not?" you ask angrily. "Because," he starts, but then it hit you. "Oh my god!" you yell. "(Y/N)," he starts, but once again you cut him off. "Do you think I'm ugly?" you ask. "No!" he yells while sitting up, "You're beautiful! I just don't think we should be having sex yet. Maybe wait another month or something?" You slouch and say, "Yeah, your right. I'm sorry." "It's fine. Let's just watch the rest of the movie," he replies.

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