17- swearing

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Liam: "Motherfucker!" You screamed at the football match on the TV. "Whoa." He was on his feet next to you, but his eyes were taken off the game as the words left your flustered mouth. "That was rich, it's only a footie, love." He smirked, pulling you to sit on his lap on the couch. "I thought I was in trouble." You sighed, looking back at the telly. "Oh (Y/N), it's like you're new here." He smirked shaking his head. "I think you know what's coming for you later."

Zayn: "Shag off, you asshole." You groaned when he was trying to wake you up at around three in the morning. "If you think your cuss words are scaring me off, you should know better." He smirked, still prodding at your shoulder. "Go to sleep, Zayn." You mumbled. "I can't." He shrugged and you sat up. "Alright, lay down." You sighed and when he did, you just laid on top of him. You weren't sure if it would get him to sleep, you just hoped if you fell asleep on him that he would be too guilty to move. But for some reason, it knocked him out too.

Louis: "Suck a dick." He groaned, running his hands through his hair. "Maybe I will." You smirked, grabbing your jacket and walking towards the door. "Don't fucking do that big act shit." He growled, catching your wrist as you strutted past him. "Shut the fuck up, Lou. I'm taking your word for it. I'm gonna go and brain in an alley until I puke. Okay? Does that make you fucking happy?" You sneered and snaked your wrist from his grip. "(Y/N), please stop." He sighed, defeated, "Just please come sit down so we can talk about this?" He asked, but he knew whether he had to drag you or not, you would end up sitting and listening to him apologize.

Niall: "Fuckin' hell!" You yelled when he beat you in FIFA. "Jeez," He groaned, leaning back on the couch. "Say that again." He moaned. You looked at him with a skeptical glance. "Please, just say it." He smirked, pulling you to straddle his lap. "Boy, Niall, if I know cussing got you into this state, I would swear a lot more often." You whispered into his ear. "Swear for me." He hissed when you ground yourself into him. "Oh Shit, Niall. That feels so fucking good." You moaned. "Alright." He smirked throwing you over his shoulder. "We're done here." He laughed, running you upstairs.

Harry: "What a cunt!" You screamed in entertainment as he told you how one of his exes cheated on him with his best mate. You were all for gossip and Harry was all for the faces you made while you listened to his stories. "Naughty naughty." He smirked, bringing a hand over your mouth. "Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?" He laughed and you licked his palm in retaliation. You were unsatisfied when he didn't pull away. "Damn right I do." You mumbled into his hand. "What was that?" He asked, pulling away this time. "Fuck yeah, I do." You smiled, lunging onto him.

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