Twelve & the Ponds

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All the characters belong to the BBC and Doctor Who!

I really hope you guys enjoy this first reunion one shot! Lets see how Twelve reacts when he sees the Ponds...

I would like to know what you think about this one shot!

Have a wonderful day.



Twelve and the Ponds.

He had just dropped Clara off at her house when he decided to take a walk. He rarely walked outside to enjoy the landscapes. Most of the time he ran with Clara from aliens or he was keeping himself busy with unsolved mysteries. He didn't know what changed his mind this time. Maybe it was the feeling of normalness. Well normal for a human of course, a normal Timelord life is a lot different. He sat down on a bench looking at the view in front of him.
He hadn't even looked at the time period when he had decided to go for a walk. The Doctor was around the 1930s he noticed looking at the clothes that people were wearing. The street looked very dull, nothing dangerous would happen here. He should be careful though, with him here dangerous things could easily happen.

A couple sat down next to him on the bench, the Doctor was too busy watching the street to notice the young pair.
Depending on the alien there were six possible escapes to escape if he needed to. Not that he wanted to save the world now. He would save the world of course if something happened but he came down to enjoy the human race.

"Excuse me sir" a strangely familiar voice said to him. He turned to the woman and froze when he saw who it was...

Amy Williams and Rory Williams were sitting next to him.

"Those clothes are not from this time period" Amy noticed. Oh Amy, smart as ever.

"How would you know?" the Doctor said.

"Believe me, we know. Who are you?" Rory asked. Here it is the human race, always asking questions because they're curious.

"I'm John Smith. I bought these clothes in a city far away from here" He easily lied hoping they would believe him.

"A friend of mine used to call himself John Smith" Amy stated.

"It's a common name a lot of people use it" he said in defence. Then he felt something warm in his pocket, he put his hand in the pocket looking for the source. It was getting hotter and hotter, this can't be happening now. He managed to grab the thing and threw it with a hiss out of his pocket.
He burned his hand because of that bloody key. The TARDIS wanted his attention that was clear.
He stood up and walked towards the key and picked it up. The key had cooled down a bit, he quickly examined it before turning back to the ponds. The ponds were watching him with a confused but curious look.

"It was good talking to you two, have a nice day" He quickly turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait" Amy stood up and walked towards him. "That key is not from this time period" she stated.

"Oh Amelia, you always noticed the little things" He said with a proud smile.

His eyes widened when he realised his mistake.

"You know my name?" She asked clearly confused. How can a random stranger know her name?

"Lucky guess, names are normally not really my area"

"When did you get so old?" She asked, Rory stood beside her frowning at first before realising what she was talking about.

"What do you mean? Everybody gets old" The Doctor said confused, what was she talking about getting old?

"You used to look so young" She had a smile on her face.

"You came back for us, you said that wasn't possible" Rory asked poking a finger in the Doctor's shoulder like he did in the restaurant after they witnessed the Doctor's dead at Lake Silencio. Then the Doctor's phone rang. Things seemed to keep interrupting them, first the key now the phone. He quickly answered the call... it was Clara.

"Clara, I'm kind of busy" He said looking at the ponds.

"What why?" She asked. Amy quickly snatched away the phone from the Doctor and answered instead.

"No Amy, give it back" The Doctor demanded trying to grab the phone. Amy giggled and said: "Hello, are you the Doctor's companion?" She walked away to continue the conversation with Clara.

"You got old Doctor" Rory said trying to make a conversation.

"I was always old" He said looking at Amy.

"How's River?" He asked curious about his daughter.

"She was fine the last time I saw her" He answered looking back at Rory.

"Good, where did you get that Scottish accent?"

"regeneration, I told you about it. It changed my accent too" He informed the centurion. Then he randomly felt two arms around him. He's being hugged by Amy.

"I've missed you" she said handing the phone back.

"She told you about the hugging didn't she?" He said putting the phone away.

"How can you not like hugging?"

"I'm not a hugging person anymore" he shrugged.

"How long has it been for you?"Amy asked with a look of concern on her face.

"800 years I think" He muttered.

"You are 2000!" She acclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, do you two want a trip in the TARDIS?" The Doctor asked hoping to have another adventure with the ponds.

"No, you should take Clara on adventures. We've had our time with you. You should visit us sometimes though" Amy said with a pained expression on her face.

"Clara wouldn't mind-"

"Doctor we both know that we can't do this. We have a house and we are trying to adopt a child" Amy interrupted the Doctor.

"it's good to know that I didn't ruin you two completely" the Doctor shrugged.

"You didn't ruin us! Now go on adventures with Clara and visit us sometime" Amy said pulling the Doctor in for another hug.

"Amy what did I say about the hugging?" he protested.

"I know but I hug you anyway" Amy said with a smile pulling away from the hug.

"See you later!" Amy started walking away, Rory awkwardly patted the Doctor on his shoulder and said his goodbye before he quickly followed Amy.

The Doctor turned to walk away towards his TARDIS when he heard the voice call for him once more.


He turned his head around to look at Amy.


"Gotcha" she said before she disappeared with Rory in an other street.

"Gotcha" he whispered to himself, a smile claimed his face before he disappeared inside his TARDIS...

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