Ten and Rose & Eleven and River

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Ten and Rose + Eleven and River [requested]

"let's sit in the first car!" the Eleventh Doctor exclaimed excitedly dragging River towards the first car of the roller coaster.

"You look excited" River commented as they both sat down in the first car waiting for their belts to come down.

"I am excited! I've been in this rollercoaster before, a long time ago in my tenth regeneration!" The Doctor told her with a big grin.

"Was that your regeneration with the great hair?" River Song asked curiously.

"Well it's what you call great, he was really tall and skinny."

Then someone poked the eleventh Doctor's shoulder, curiously he turned his head around seeing the two people who were sitting behind the Doctor and his wife.

"My hair is great" the man commented slightly glaring at the eleventh Doctor.

River now turned her head around too noticing the man and woman.

"Hello, I'm River Song" she introduced herself friendly nodding towards them. The belts from the rollercoaster came down trapping the four people so that they won't fall out the rollercoaster during the ride.

"I'm the Doctor, that's Rose" the Tenth Doctor greeted her.

"Hi" Rose smiled friendly.

"I hope you're not afraid of roller coasters River, this one is known as one of the scariest of the whole galaxy" the Eleventh Doctor informed River.

"And of course you're telling that now when the belts have already trapped us so there's no way out. That's so like you Doctor" Rose noticed, she was sitting behind the Eleventh Doctor and the Tenth Doctor was sitting behind River.

"Thankfully I'm not scared of roller coasters, you on the other hand are quite the screamer... or so I've heard" River grinned cheekily.

"And who told you that?" the Eleventh Doctor asked frowning.


"Well we are not scared, especially not for this rollercoaster. It's not like I'm afraid of heights" the Tenth Doctor told the woman before him slightly defending his future self.

"I know you're not, what a fall that was that day" the Eleventh Doctor mumbled thinking about something Rose and the Tenth Doctor didn't know.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked curiously.

A man walked towards them checking if their belts were closed and keeping them safe in the car.

"Spoilers" River commented again.

"I don't like that word" the Tenth Doctor groaned.

"Tell me about it" His older self said before receiving a glare from his wife.

"Well then if you don't like it, here's a spoiler for you" River told the Tenth Doctor. She wanted to slightly turn around in the car but then the car started to ride. "Or not" she turned back in her seat facing the tracks of the roller coaster.

"This is going to be really exciting" The Eleventh Doctor exclaimed happily. The car started to climb a long track going straight up.

The four all held on to their belts not risking letting go as they were going up.

"Woah look at the view" Rose commented looking around. They all could see the whole theme park and the landscapes behind it.

"Skopox theme park, most famous theme park of the whole Netox Galaxy" the tenth Doctor started to explain before he got interrupted.

Reunion one-shots between the Doctor and his companionsWhere stories live. Discover now