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P'jam called Nunew in the evening while he was studying.

"New, let's try for you to do a song cover. I already told Asnee about it. He will wait for you at his studio this Saturday. can you come around 7am? okey?.That's all. goodnight."

"sure p'jam. i'll be there. thank you phi. Good night".

In the morning, Nunew was waiting for p'asnee 's studio. He felt bored and got his phone and earphone to play a song and closing his eyes to and feeling the music as he hums.

It was then at this moment that zee open the door to look for p'asnee because be heard that Nunew will be practicing and record a song cover. He was smitten by the soft image of Nunew laying his head on top of his hand while humming and he silently walk towards a vacant chair.

Nunew opened his eyes and was stunned to see zee at the studio. His uneasy feeling creep up again but he had to greet him since he is a senior.

"p'zee.good morning" Nunew greeted zee in a perfunctory manner.

"good morning." zee replied.

 Zee could fee that Nunew was kind of distant to him ever since the first day. He doesn't like the feeling at all. when he was attempting to make a conversation to Nunew,Boon's voice out of the nowhere was heard. Boon's cheerful voice greeted Nunew and him.

"Morning zee and New."I heard your gonna be here to rehearse for your cover. p'jam also told me to come here. Maybe we will have a duet? what do you think of it?"

Nunew was glad to see Boon at the studio, he was the first person he got close to and talk to him most of the time at the agency since he was chosen as his partner.

"p'Boon.good morning". Nunew greeted with a soft voice and a smile on his face.

"that's so nice p'boon, were going to sing together." please take care of me too p'. Nunew giggle and chatted happily with boon.

Zee was pretending too be busy scrolling on his phone. He was actually looking at Nunew's tiktok posts.

It was not the first time that he had look into his social accounts.he had looked into the person's  tiktok, Instagram and twitter accounts before. He find the younger brother very cute and wanted to get close to him. he was actually kind of don't like that Boon is close to Nunew but since Nunew was the partner of boon, he doesn't want to be too obvious of his interest.

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