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Zee wanted to talk to Nunew and clear things up with him but their schedule are always hectic. After their back to back events. Nunew would go to NAM'S studio for his singing/voice lessons.oNLY their fan meet in Japan can they talk to each other which will be like in 5 WEEKS.

He noticed Nunew's interaction with Pon on the  social media and seems like they are always in touch with each other based on the returns of conversation. Nunew also doesn't stick to him much like before and if the fans tease them, Nunew would just smile at them and him.

Like now that they just had finished their even and Nunew doesn't have his voice lesson BECASUE nAM had an important meeting with his client so he canceled the schedule for Nunew's lesson.

"New, Come on lets buy you something to eat, what do you want?" ZEE  asked.

"Its okey p'Zee, I'm alright. I'm not hungry. thank you." Nunew declined politely.

Zee was feeling that Nunew is really creating a barrier between them. He thought  that everything about them is alright now but it seems that Nunew is closing his heart to him and he doesn't like it.

"nunew,,nunew" their makeup artist friend called Nunew.

"your song is almost 90Million views!!,"

OMG!!,CONGRATULATIONS!! LOOK here." he showed the youtube video which he opened on his cellphone.

The media took notice of the Nunew's song and lots of  news reports were made by them. A Hashtag was also made by the fans which trended worldwide in various countries making Nunew aware of how big his fanbase had grown and how many had appreciated his song and him as singer.

Nunew's phone rang and Zee saw the caller was Pon congratulated Nunew.

"thank you so much Phi.uhhhmmm."nunew answered happily.

"i  want strawberry cheesecake and vanilla ice cream"nunew replied before hanging up.

"congratulations NEW!.Zee said hugging Nunew.

"thank you p'zee" nunew said as he try to remove himself from Zee's embrace after a while.

"lets celebrate new.come on.i will buy you what ever you want." Zee said.

The staff was happy hearing what Zee said and was already telling which place to go.

"THANK YOU p' Zee."nunew replied.

They decided to eat at the near restaurant.ZEE paid for the meal but was confused when Nunew asks him how much he owed him for the meal.ZEE was surprised of  what Nunew said.

"its my treat as a congratulatory blow dont have to pay me back."

"Let me pay for the half of the meal.i dont want to owe and trouble you with it. I should be the one paying for it'"

Zee really confirmed that Nunew is really trying to put a barrier between them, he cannot wait for the Japan trip before he and Nunew had to talk. they need to have a talk now and clear things out.

"you can drop ME AND nunew at the condo Phi" zee said to the driver.

ZEE grab Nunews hand as he told the driver. Nunew can feel zEE'S grip on his hand  

"we need to talk"Zee said to him and did not let go og his hand till they arrive  at the the building and alighted the car.

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