Why is he so cute???

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This is the 100th time, I glanced in the direction of him. He has his eyes fixated on his book, carefully marking his textbook and being attentive towards the class. Every now then he stares back at me with an expression that shows he is purely confused. I get his confusion, he thinks that I hate him, despise him but little does he know I have the biggest crush on him. But I need to be in the character if I don't play along he will be hurt too. If I show I care people will not accept it.
So here I am bullying the person I like the most.

Sunno, why are you so cute? You make me lose control, you make me crazy. And there he is unbotherd and unknown by the Strom he has caused inside my brain. I am bought back to the reality by the bell. Its lunch time, time to go tease my baby up.
I go and stand beside his table and wait for him to pack his bag. Then I grab his collar, a little too harsh so that my friends won't doubt it. They are the main reason why I have to behave like this, if I won't be the one who does this then someone else will hurt my baby and I would never let it happen. He keeps his head down, soo cute. I drag him through the corridors and I know my friends are gonna follow us but I take a long detour to lose them. And I take him towards an empty wing with a bunch of abandoned classrooms. Now with no one around I gently take his hand and head inside one of the classrooms, I close the door to make sure no one interups our time together. When I turn my head back there he is with wide eyes, shocked but still looking so gorgeous. I walk towards him and with small steps he steps back. He is afraid, I am little hurt that he is scared by me. But I don't show it. I take a long stride and slip my hands around his waist and pull him closer. He looks more pretty closer. We hold gazes for a long time, like a spell is cast in the atmosphere then like the spell is broken he averts his eyes downward. But not before I notice a light hint of blush. Is he blushing because his heart is racing or is it because he is embarrassed or scared by me?
I don't dwell on that question long, with one hand on his waist I take the other hand and urge him back to look at me.

"Are you scared?"
He hesitates for a bit and then nods in negative.
I bring him towards one of the benches. "Sit here, I am gonna go bring something for us to eat and don't go anywhere. Okay?" He nods his head a little. I quickly go and bring the lunch I packed, a water bottle and some chocolates. My baby has a sweet tooth. I hurry back but I was spotted by my jerk friends, "where did you disappear earlier with that nerd?" I hate these jerks but I have to quickly deal with them and go see my baby. "I was gonna teach that kid a lesson but we were intruped by a teacher, so I let him go." They just casually reply with ohh. I make a excuse that I will be back in five minutes. And I return to my baby's side.

He is still sitting there obediently. He looks so cute sitting quietly. I sit beside him and unpack all the things I have got. Today for lunch we have some rice and a few side dish with kimchi. I tell him to start eating, "Go ahead and try it, its made by me and feel free to give a feedback." He shyly takes the chopsticks and slowly nibbles on his food. Irritated by his timid eating, I start to feed him medium size bites. At first he doesn't open up quickly, being hesitant but slowly opens his mouth and allows me to feed him. Feeding him feels so right, everything with him feels right. God I want to kiss him, he is being extra cute today and he is not even aware of his cuteness. After feeding him and filling his pockets up with chocolate, I take a bold move and pull him closer and make him sit on my lap, with his back towards me. He looks at me wide eyed, surprised but then again its isn't that hard to surprise him. I don't know why but I need his affection today, I need to be alone with him today. Its common for me to bring him here, mostly I bring him here when my friends go overboard with the insults and bullying. Its a nice hide out.  I hug him tightly.
"Let's stay like this for a while, okay?"
He gives in and mumbles an okay. I nuzzle his neck and I feel him having goosebumps. I take a bold move and lightly place a kiss on his neck, by instinct he turns his head around to look at me, but I cover his eyes with my hand and place another kiss below his ear. He stiffens more in my hold but after a few light pecks and small kisses he relaxes.

I wanna do much more but I don't want to scare him. I uncover his eyes and see that his cheeks are a very cute colour of pink. He tries to get up but I pull him towards me. I hug him tighter for a few minutes and let him go. He then proceeds to leave or more likely run. I laugh at his cuteness. Then I make my way towards the classroom.

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