My first thought

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Love its a very complicated feeling. When you love someone you feel special, ecstatic and just good. I woke up with a biggest smile on my face. I am so excited to go to school today. So excited to touch his soft cheeks, to hold him, to kiss him. I excitedly jump out my bed and get ready for school. I did plan a perfect first date for my baby. I hope everything happens according to the plan. I quickly type out a good morning to my baby.

I reach school early, there are only few students present here. I reach the classroom and takeout my notepad and start writing a sweet note for my boyfriend to be. He is not my official boyfriend yet but soon he will be, I have trust in my flirting skills. I write-

You are my first thought in the morning and the last before I fall asleep

I keep the note on his side of the desk with strawberry milk. I hope he likes it. After a few minutes he comes into the class with the most beautiful face. He sits beside me and gives me an adorable little smile. "Heyy, your early today!" he says. "Well I wanted to see you early." I say with a stupid grin on my face. He smiles back at me. He finds my note on the drink and he looks at me with confusion. He goes ahead and reads it, since there is no one in the classroom he gives me a light peck on my right cheek. He starts blushing and I slowly pet his head. But we hear some voices so I quickly retreat my hand.

We share small glances as the class starts to slowly crowd. I have very good plan for today, I hope it goes well.

During lunch break, we decided that it would be best if we would sneak out to the abandoned classroom. But the problem were my friends, Niki, Heesung, Jake and Jay. Niki, who hates sunoo for no apparent reason, is going to be suspicious if we both are not in sight. Niki is not in our class but he has a beef with sunoo and he doesn't like to talk about it. Sunoo also gets very weird whenever niki is present. I make a mental note of digging into this matter later. So we decide it would be best if I first go with my friends and try to distract them while sunoo will meet me in abandoned classroom later. Jake and heesung are very cool they keep it simple and they are very supportive. Jay has an infamous crush on the class president and I think he has figured out that I like sunoo. I don't want to hide this from them but I don't know how they will react. I don't want anything to jeopardize my relationship with sunoo. Right now, I just want to focus on making him mine.

I meet them all in the hallway waiting for me, "Hey, why did you come out so late? We were waiting for you." Jay whines. I know why he is in so much hurry. He just wants to go to cafeteria and look at his crush. He is so smitten its the most annoying thing ever. "You didn't have to wait for me, I can walk on my own" I say that and start heading towards the cafeteria. "I know, I said the same thing to these guys but they still wanted to wait for you, you ungrateful brat" after saying that he starts to literally sprint towards cafeteria. Jake and heesung just laugh at his usual weird behaviour. " When is he confessing? I am getting really tired of his acting like 13 year old girl." Niki says that with sigh. "He is trying to hit on jungwon but jungwon is too dense to get that he is being hit on." Jake explains with a smile.

"Lets just see what happens. I bet its gonna be fun" heesung adds with mischievous grin. We reach the cafeteria and join Jay by the table awfully close to jungwon's table, where jungwon is sitting alone. "I think you should go sit beside him, he is sitting there all alone." I suggest. "I can't, he is waiting for sunoo again and sunoo doesn't come to cafeteria because you guys keep bullying him. I swear if he ends up hating me because of you guys, I will never talk to you" Jay says giving special glares to me and niki. Niki just glares back at him. God! this is taking longer, I want to be by my baby's side as soon as possible. "Just go sit beside him and try to talk to him. Discuss about yesterday's assignment and ask him out for a coffee." I try to keep the situation from getting out of hand. He complies and heads over towards jungwon's table.

Niki just sighs and start to head over towards the canteen, probably to get something to eat. I take the opportunity and tell jake and heesung, "I have been called in the staff room. Don't wait up for me, I don't know how long it will take. See you later" I quickly run before the questions start pouring in. After getting away form the cafeteria, I quickly make my way towards the abandoned classroom where, sunoo has a lunchbox on the table and he is scrolling on his phone. When he sees me his face lights up with an adorable smile. I go sit beside him and give him a small kiss on his cheeks. He smiles. "I'm sorry that I kept you waiting" I say. "It's okay, let's eat" he says.

We start eating, he tries to feed me. My heart skips a beat and grows bigger and warm with his sweet action. I open my mouth and take a bite. Thats when it hits me that its gonna hurt if he ever decides to leave me. "I think I am falling in love with you" I confess out of nowhere, which takes him by surprise. His eyes go wide. After recovering from the shock he smiles at me, "Don't worry, I will catch you" I smile at his cuteness and pet his hair. He is definitely the one, I don't even doubt it. "Let's go on a date after school, okay?" I ask him. "Okay, but what about our assignment?" He says. "After our date, let's go to my house for our assignment." I reply. "At this rate you might get bored of me" he pouts jokingly. "I won't ever get bored of you, you are everything that I ever wanted, you are a dream come true to me" I say with conviction.

After finishing our lunch, I decide that we both will go to the class at different time. Before parting our ways I spread my arms for a hug, which he returns. I place a soft kiss on his forehead and whisper a 'see you' in his ear and head to the cafeteria but I don't see my friends where I last left them. At hallway I spot jay following jungwon around. Jungwon kind of looks annoyed. I laugh and try to find niki, jake and heesung. I hope they aren't that suspicious.

I find them in the hallway, surrounding sunoo. There goes my mood. Niki is standing in front of sunoo saying something and sunoo has his head down. I instantly get this tight feeling in my chest. I rush towards them, I look at niki and ask him, "What's going on? We have to be in the class" Niki, still glaring at my baby says, "Nothing, we were just curious where was sunoo the whole lunch break." Jake sighs, "By 'we' he means that he was curious." Niki shifts his glare to jake. "Okay dude, just chill! I think heesung was little curious too" Jake says trying to calm the situation with humor. "Okay let's all head to the classroom, We will all be late" I say, but I am getting mentally prepared to fight if they would bother my baby too much. Niki leans in and whispers something in sunoo's ear and I take a step to push him but sunoo just shakes his head in negative and mouths an inaudible No. After whispering, niki just leaves with a smug smile. Which I would like to wipe of his face. Heesung and jake gives my shoulder a squeeze and follow niki to his classroom. Meanwhile, sunoo and I also head back to our seats. Sunoo doesn't say much for the rest of the class.

At the last period I text him saying that he should meet me outside school directly after the bell. I don't want to run into niki again. If we leave while there is crowd we might not run into them. I wait for sunoo in my car, after a few minutes he opens the door with a black cap and mask on. He removes the mask and gives the most adorable smile. I like how he doesn't let people like niki ruin his mood for a long time, he recovers quickly or at least it seems so. He is the most pure person I have met ever met. I tangle my fingers with his and start the car, "Ready for our date?" I ask him. Yes!" He replies.

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