✷chapter one✷

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There's always something happening in the Western Allies base. If it's not a meeting then it's various countries travelling around the buildings, getting work done. All overseen by the boss.

America. He is incharge of the entire place. Anything he says goes. He walks around with a confident look, every action he takes is precalculated and he's always five steps ahead of everyone.

Keeping such a large operation running is no easy task however America remains unfazed by it. The top floor of the main building is entirely his, and no one is allowed up there without his express permission.

And now America sat in the leather chair of his tidy office, the large, wide window of which overseeing the parade square and runway from up above. He flicked through a few files for what must've been the hundredth time.

Where is he? He's not normally late.

The man thought to himself. America ran a hand through his hair, taking the loose hairband with it. He let his hair fall over his under cut and shook his head. America then turned the mirror on his desktop to face him so he could style his hair. He parted it easily and combed it back a little with his fingers.

He took a moment to look at the rest of himself, to check for anything out of place. His black leather jacket has some loose threads from the sewed on patches that covers the sleeves and back of it. America plucks the loose threads out. The top button of his shirt was undone but that didn't bother him too much as he didn't have a tie on. He instead readjusts the chain around his neck. America rubs his face and pushes his sunglasses back up his nose. His blueish grey eyes now partially covered by the lenses.

America found himself staring into the mirror for longer than he needed. Once he had realised that, he turned the mirror away and sat back up in his chair. He was the boss afterall, and that meant not a minute to relax. Not when he's so close.

America picked up another file and began to read through it. It was a report of a recent mission that America had sent France on. It was a chore to get through as France's understanding of the English language wasn't the best. This did give America a reminder to get France to take English classes.

A knock at the door to his office caused America to close the file and put all of them away.

America stood up and walked over to the door. He opened the door and leaned on the doorframe.

"You're late Britain,"

America places a gentle hand on Britain's shoulder. Britain's normally tense and frantic body language eases up as soon as he is graced by America's touch.

"my apologies, france asked me how to strip down and clean out all the weapons in his storeroom,"

America removes himself from the doorframe and allows Britain to enter his office.

"France was just wasting your time, he should already know how to do all that,"

"oh... no wonder he made me clean all of them," Britain mutters as he grips onto the sleeves of his grey blazer jacket.

Britain shakes his head and they both walk over to America's desk.

"nevermind, you wanted to see me america?"

America sits up on his desk and motions for Britain to come closer. He does so immediately. Britain is, afterall, America's favourite. And he wouldn't do anything to disappoint him.

Britain stands directly in front of America.

"Yes, I do. Listen, I think you're ready to go out into the field," America turns Britain around and starts running his fingers through his curly hair. America can hear Britain purr slightly from the touch, which makes the American smile.

"me? in the field? are you sure?" Britain asks, the nervousness clear as day in his voice.

"Mhmmm... I've trained you well since I took you in. You're definitely ready for this operation,"

America turns Britain back around to face him. He leans backwards on his desk and opens one of the draws, pulling out yet another file. He sits up and hands the file to Britain.

"All you have to do is nation nap this individual. Go on. Read through it,"

Britain nods and opens the file. He lets out a little gasp as he reads the first page.

"this is... the boss of the east,"


"you want me to kidnap-"

"Nation nap,"

"sorry. nation nap the boss of the east?"

America hops off of his desk and walks behind Britain. He places both hands on the Brits shoulders. America rests his head in the crook of Britain's neck and whispers into his ear.

"I have complete faith in your abilities Britain,"

America's warm breath hits Britain's neck and makes him shiver. It makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up. America leans up against Britain even more. Britain stifles a small groan by placing a hand over his mouth.

"o-of course,"

"Good," America smiles, gets off of Britain and returns to his desk.

Britain continues to read through the file. America takes the time to study Britain's looks, like he always does when his favourite visits his office.

Britain wears a grey blazer jacket, a light blue waistcoat and a black tie. To America, his clothes looked perfect. They were exactly what America wanted Britain to wear. America stares at Britain's face, his eyes were such a bright green that they basically looked radioactive. Britain has a dot shaped birthmark just underneath his right eye, it's quite an unmissable feature. His curly hair covers his forehead and reaches down to his chin.

Britain eventually closes the file and keeps it by his side.

"thank you for trusting me with this task,"

"Britain, come here,"

Britain does as he's told quickly, once again standing right in front of America. America pulls him closer by his tie. He wraps his legs around Britain and moves his hair out of his face.

America leans closer towards Britain and kisses him on the forehead, again running his fingers through Britain's hair.

"uhmmm... america..." Britain murmurs, his face now a shade of red similar to a cherry.

"Go get some rest, you leave tomorrow," America lets go of Britain.

"of course america,"

Britain leaves America's office and silently closes the door behind him. America slides off his desk and walks over to the large window.

He looks out of the window, down at the runway. Tomorrow, Britain will be down there, and whilst America has full confidence in Britain, he still has the smallest worry gnawing at the back of his mind.

There's so much that could go wrong. And so much that could ruin his entire plan.

America shakes his head and sits back down in his chair.

He has work to do afterall.

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