✷chapter three✷

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America sat in his office chair, Britain sitting sideways on his lap. With Britain's head resting on America's shoulder.

"Ughhh... Honestly Brit, that asshole infuriates me," America complains.

"don't talk to him then..?" Britain murmurs.

"I gotta torture him for information. Hearing his screams of pain will be music to my ears," America pauses as he strokes Britain's thigh.

"Well...It won't be as good as your moans,"

"mmmmm... america......" Britain buries his face into America's shoulder as America trails his hand underneath Britain's shirt and up his chest.

America gently pulls Britain's head back and leans in for a kiss.

"How about we take this somewhere else?"

i dunno how to write smut and i aint even wanna try that shit so can we all just agree that they fucked and move on. ok? ok. great, lets move on then.

The next day, Britain wakes up with the extra comfy pillows and America's arm around him.

Britain tries to shuffle from underneath America's arm but had no luck. America's arm creates a half bear hug around Britain. He's got a rather strong grip, even whilst asleep.

"america... i have work to do," Britain again struggles to get out from underneath America's arm.

"Mghhh.. No.... Stay....." America groans, half awake.

"i have work to do," Britain repeats himself. This time, he pushes America's arm off of him and rolls out of the bed. He picks up his shirt from the floor and pulls it on.

America sits up in his bed and looks down at Britain.

"What work? I'm the one who gives you work... Pffft... If I could I'd make your work be staying by my side all the time," America shakes his head with a light chuckle.

"something the communist said yesterday intrigued me. i wish to investigate," Britain buttons up his shirt, finds the rest of his clothes and puts them on.

"Hmm? What did he say?"

"apparently he knew me before..." Britain shakes his head, "i don't remember him though,"

"You knew alot of people before the accident. I wouldn't be surprised if you knew him aswell,"

Britain stands up and sits on the bed.

"you don't know if i knew him?" He asks.

"No, sorry,"


America wraps his arms around Britain's waist  in a warm embrace.

"Do what you want but be careful, ok? That guy's an asshole,"

"i will. you don't have to worry america,"

America lets go of Britain as he gets up. Britain waves goodbye and leaves.

He walks down to the basement of the base. That's alot of bases. It's in the basement where Soviet has been kept in a small metal box of a prison.

His human rights mean less to America than an immigrants human rights mean to the british government.

Britain takes the cell key out of the safe next to the metal box and opens the door. He closes it behind him.

Soviet sits on the cold metal floor and stares downwards. He would stand up and walk around the cell but he had been chained to the wall by his ankle. He glances up when the door opens and Britain steps in.

"good morning... soviet? that's your name, right?" Britain looks down at Soviet.

He doesn't respond and continues to stare at the floor.

"please don't make this any harder than it has to be,"

Soviet again doesn't respond.

"what will get you to talk? food? water?" Britain paces the room as he basically talks to himself and a sentient brick wall.

"My coat," Soviet mutters.

"what was that?"

Soviet looks up and stares at Britain.

"My coat," He repeats, "I want it back,"

"and then you'll talk to me?"

Soviet nods.

that's so petty. Britain thinks to himself. But he does as he's told and retrieve Soviet's coat from just outside the cell.

Britain throws Soviet's coat at him. It hits the sad man in the face.

"that coat must be real important to you if it'll make you talk,"

"It is... but I was also cold. There's no heating in here," Soviet pulls the coat over his shoulders.

"why's it so important to you? it's just a coat,"

"You really don't remember, huh,"

"i wouldn't ask if i did,"

Soviet lets out a small sigh.

"You gave it to me. A 'token of our friendship' is what you called it. Now I guess we aren't friends anymore,"

Britain eyes light up at Soviet's words.

"we were friends? and you aren't lying?"

Soviet nods.

"I'm trapped here. What reason would I have to lie?"

Britain sits down across from Soviet.

"I thought you were dead Britaniya. What happened to you?"

Britain fidgets with his hands uncomfortably as he sits.

"america said i got into an accident and i lost all my memories,"

The two sit in silence in the cold metal box.

"i'm sorry i don't remember you,"

Soviet shakes his head.

"It's not your fault,"

Britain looks down at the floor with a dejected look.

"I suppose there is a bright side to this mess," Soviet says.

Britain looks up from the floor and at Soviet.

"what's that?"

"I get the chance to meet you all over again, even if the circumstances aren't the best,"

Britain stifles a laugh.

"that sounds like a plan. well, it's nice to meet you, soviet,"

"It's nice to meet you too, Britaniya,"

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