✷chapter six✷

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Have you ever been stuck in the same room for hours on end that you feel the walls closing in? That's what it felt like to Soviet, especially after America's last visit. Soviet groaned as he recalled the memory.

America swung the door of the cell open. Soviet glared at him the second he stepped into the cell.

"You still not satisfied? Come to beat me up again?" Soviet grumbled. Though he tried to seem cold and confident, his body retracted slightly as America came closer.

"As much as I would love to do that. I'm here for something else," America held up the end of a garden hose, one that let you control when the water came out at the end rather than the tap.

"What are you going to do with that?" Soviet asked.

America just smiled innocently, kicking a bar of soap across the floor towards him.

"I'm giving the puppy a bath," He kept his innocent smile plastered on his face as he pointed the hose at Soviet.

"I am not dog," Soviet retorted.

America rolled his eyes at Soviet.

"Be lucky you're even getting this, mutt. I'm only doing this because Britain asked me to,"

Soviet's glare transformed into a look of surprise. Britain had asked for him to be hosed down? That didn't sound right to Soviet. Britain seemed too nice and too sweet to ask for something like that.

America sensed that he wasn't going to get anymore out of Soviet and shook his head.

"Unless you want your clothes damp for the next month, I suggest you strip," He said with a chuckle.

Soviet stuck his tongue out at America, only to be met with a massive splash of water to the face.

"I mean it. Strip. I'm not going to ask again,"

Soviet groaned, held up his tied arms and motioned to the chain on his ankle. He looked at America with a deadpan expression.

"Pfft oh yeah, I forgot you were tied up and pathetic looking," America stood there in deep thought for a moment. Soviet never knew he could think before this.

"How am I gonna do this without risking you escaping?" America muttered.

Soviet looked down at the floor. He didn't want to have to deal with America right now but he had no choice. He felt weak after being beaten by America multiple times. Even if he wanted to, he was too weak to escape.

"Hmmm... I know. If you try to run, I'll kill you myself,"

Soviet glared at America again. A sinister smile had spread across America's face. Soviet knew better than to try and fight him, especially in the condition he was in.

"Do you understand?" America asked, getting closer to Soviet.

Soviet merely nodded. There was nothing he could do afterall.

For a moment, it was silent. Then, Soviet was slapped across his face. America was knelt Infront of him, hose still in hand and an evil smile still present on his face.

"Use your words Soviet. Do you understand?"

America gripped Soviet's chin and forced him to look at him.

"Yes... I understand," Soviet spoke, his tone strained.

America let go of Soviet's chin. He patted Soviet's head twice as he stood up.

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