The Mysterious Number

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It was 7 am and work up to my alarm as usual. I laid in bed a little bit after pressing snooze on my alarm to allow myself fully become awake.

"Another day of work. I'm really starting to hate my job." I said, as I sadly grumbled and got out of bed.

I went to the bathroom, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and made sure I smelled good for work. After I went to the kitchen and got stopped by my roommate before I could get any breakfast.

"Good morning! You ready for work?" Said, Brad.

"Sadly yes, but you seem pretty cheerful to be wide awake at 7:30 in the morning," I said, kind of annoyed that my roommate interrupted my rush to get breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm more of an early bird, to be honest. I'm not too crazy about staying up late." He said.

"That's fair. Well, I'm running late, see you later!" I said while grabbing a bagel and rushing out the door to work.

I ate the bagel with cream cheese and still felt hungry. So, I went to McDonald's and quickly got an Egg McMuffin. When I got it, I opened the bag to grab the sandwich. Once I grabbed it, I guessed it was fresh off the press as it was burning hot to the touch, and couldn't eat it right away. So, I decided to wait until I got to work to eat it.

[3 hours and 30 minutes later]

We were understaffed that day. I spent over half my day flipping patties, serving customers, and even having to seat some customers. I was completely exhausted and had sweat dripping down my face and my armpits. I was so glad that my work shift was almost over. But little did I know this was about to change my life completely financially and mentally.

I was in the middle of cooking some of the last burgers for the last customers before closing. Just before I was done, the new rookie chef came up to me with a message.

"Hey [y/n], the boss wants to see you in his office now. He says it's urgent!" Said Preston, he sounded so excited to say that as he thought he got me in trouble and possibly get me fired.

"Yeah, can you finish up these burgers and give them to the last customers Preston? I'll go see what the boss wants." I said, trying to hurry up the last batch of the burgers as fast as possible, instead of Preston doing them, since he was only the rookie chef.

"I can totally do that for you!" He said, as he only just learned how to cook the restaurant's burgers correctly without messing up.

[At the office]

I knocked on the door before entering and waited for the boss to say something so I could enter his office.

"Come in [y/n]!" He said, with eagerness.

I opened the door nervous as hell, trying to figure out what was going on cause I never get called into his office out of the blue.

"Please take a seat, I have something very interesting to chat about with you..." He said.

"What could it be possibly about? I'm not being fired am I?" I said with panic in my voice. At this time, my heart was racing and I was starting to sweat a little bit and start to fidget with my fingers.

"Look, I noticed that you're starting to get nervous. And I know you don't well in these kinds of situations, and I'll make this quick on your part to settle some of the nerves you have. Short answer, no, you're not being fired. You're my best employee, you're the one that I want to take over as manager someday. How could I possibly fire you." He said with glee and reassurance in his voice, in hoping to settle some of my nerves.

"I asked Preston to bring you into my office, 'cause I got a phone call from someone and it was for you. They said it was urgent." He said.

"Who was it?? Did someone die in my family? I'm still so confused.." I said with an eagerness to get the answer out of my boss and get this meeting over with.

"No, no one in your family has died, at least that I know of. But the person who called me goes by the name of G..Ghost? Do you know them? And they didn't tell me anything, but give me their number and told me to give the number to you to call." He said with curiosity.

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