The Meeting

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[Outside Tobias's office]

As soon as I turned around the corner, Sodo came up to me and pinned my hands to the wall above my head to the point where I couldn't move.

"Don't think you'll be taking my spot that easily! You're only the backup for the band. I know for a fact you won't be seeing any of that stage or the crowd while we perform." Sodo said aggressively in a way to intimidate me, but that didn't work.

I broke free of Sodo's grasp and said, "Well I guess we'll have to see who the best lead guitarist is!" in a positive way that seems to make Sodo so furious that he stomped away to his room and slammed the door shut.

[Later in the night]

I sat on the couch in the living room just drawing and watching my favorite show on Netflix on the tv. I hear a door close, and I peer over the back of the couch to see that it was Tobias walking over to me.

"That's pretty good! Do you take art classes y/n?" Tobias asked.

"Oh no, I don't. I self-taught myself!" I said with confidence and glad that Tobias thought my art was good.

"I had a question. What should we call you?" Tobias asked.

"Hmmm... what about Stormy?" I said.

"That's perfect! Alright, I'll let you finish your art and come check in a little bit." Tobias said with a smile on his face and walked back to his office.

About an hour had passed by and it was roughly around 9 pm, and I just completed my art piece of the whole band ghost. I heard another door open, and I did the same thing as before and realized it was Tobias coming to check in with me again.

"Hey Stormy! Are you ready to meet all the ghouls and ghoulettes?" A voice said behind me.

I quickly turned around and realized it was Tobias before I stopped my arm from swinging at full capacity at his face.

"Oh, sorry Tobias. But yeah I'm ready to meet everyone!" I said relieved that it wasn't a stranger startling me.

"Alright, everyone! Come out and meet our newest ghoul!" Tobias said with a high volume in his voice but it wasn't quite screaming.

A few minutes late, all the ghouls and ghoulettes walked out of their rooms. They walked into the living room and sat down on the other couch in the living room. Some of them looked pretty disappointed to see me there, especially Sodo.

"Everyone, this is our newest ghoul to join our band. Their name is Stormy!" Tobias said.

As he introduced me, I noticed the ghouls and ghoulettes were talking among themselves and I figured they were talking about me.

After a minute of just staring at what the ghouls and ghoulettes were doing, I noticed they all nodded in agreement to something. Then, one of them broke the silence.

"Hey Stormy! The rest of us and me are glad you are a part of this band. I'm sure we will all be good acquaintances." Swiss said with a big smile on his face.

All the ghouls seemed to agree in the same way by nodding their heads and having a smile on their faces. Although Sodo crossed his arms, sighed, and then looked away from me.

"Aww, come on Sodo. At least lighten up a little bit!" Swiss said to Sodo.

"Why should I? Tobias shouldn't have added a new ghoul. We were a perfect nine-person band! And we can't even verify if they're even good! Those YouTube clips could all be a setup and not even real!" Sodo complained so loud to where I could hear him, but I couldn't quite tell if that was on purpose.

"Alright enough! Stormy let me show you your room. It's just down the hall" Tobias said as he guided me down the hall to my room.

Tobias and I stopped at the door with an empty plaque nameplate next to the doorway on the wall. "Well here's your room!" Tobias said.

"Thanks, Tobias! I was wondering something." I said with a little curiosity.

"What is it kiddo? Ask away." Tobias asked.

"Well, why are you the only one that doesn't hide their identity around the ministry, but all the other ghouls and ghoulettes do?" I asked.

"Hmmm... that's a good question! Well, some of the ghouls and ghoulettes prefer keeping their identity a secret from the others." Tobias said hoping maybe that would answer my question.

"But why do that, when the public pretty much knows all of your identities?" I asked following his answer.

"That's a pretty good point! Maybe I'll look into us all not having to wear masks." Tobias said with a smile. "Now, you better get a goodnight of sleep! Maybe tomorrow we can head to your place to grab your belongings." He said on his way to his office to finish some paperwork.

I opened the door to my bedroom and saw how plain the white walls were and how empty it was. I spoke a few words and noticed the room echoed a lot. As I put my stuff down ready to unpack, Sodo walked into my room, closed the door, and locked it.


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