The Dinner

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[At the Ministry]

I roughly arrived outside the Ministry at around 6:45 pm.

I unbuckled my seatbelt after riding in an undercover van that the band Ghost rides in to get around from concert to concert. I quickly grabbed my backpack and jumped out of the van after one of the ghouls opened the door.

"Thanks!" I said hoping to get a response from the ghoul.

Unfortunately, I got no response from the ghoul. After I thanked the ghoul, he close the door and guided me up to the front door of the Ministry. He then left me and got into the van and drove it off to wherever they park it.

It was around 6:50 pm as I stood at the door gazing at the door from the top to the bottom looking at how tall the door was and how small the door handles were compared to the door. The door had to at least be around 7-8 feet tall.

My watch beeped at me, scaring me, but I knew it was telling me that it was 7 pm. So I knocked on the Ministry door, and surprisingly someone opened the door right away. It was another nameless ghoul.

"Come on in. I'll take your coat. You can keep your bag with you." The ghoul said.

"Thanks!" I said getting a good look at the ghoul noticing he was shorter. I shortly after figured out it was Sodo!

Sodo took my coat and hung it up, and he let me keep my backpack in case I needed it while I was in there. After, he led me into the dining area where the other ghouls, ghoulettes, and Cardinal were sitting. Then Sodo was kind enough to pull out my chair so I could sit down and then push my chair back in.

"Tha-," I tried to say but sadly Sodo already sat down in his seat before I was able to finish saying what I wanted to say.

"Ah, y/n, thanks for coming! Please help yourself to some spaghetti! We have plenty." Said Cardinal as he was about to stuff his face full of noodles.

"Thanks! The ghouls are very nice and respectful." I said trying to help set a good impression for the ghouls and especially for the Cardinal. While I said that, I grabbed my plate and put some spaghetti onto it.

It seems Cardinal either didn't hear me or he just had nothing to say cause I didn't get a response from him. After I said that, all the ghouls and ghoulettes turned their heads at stared at me like they didn't know I was coming.

Was Sodo the only one that knew I was coming or what? Or maybe they are trying to get a good look at me and judge me before they speak to me? I honestly don't know, I thought.

Cardinal looked at me like he had a thought but just started to stuff his face again with noodles. After he took a couple of bites, he remembered his thought.

"y/n, when you are done eating, can you come to meet me in my office? I can have a ghoul guide you to my office." He said, finishing his dinner and as he got up, he pointed at Sodo to guide me to his office.

"Why me Cardinal? I'm always the one to guide guests. Why can't it be someone else?" Sodo complained in a grumpy tone and crossed his arms, throwing a fit.

"You will guide our guest to my office!" Cardinal said, raising his tone but trying not to get completely mad at Sodo.

"Fine," Sodo said willingly, trying not to embarrass himself in front of me and the other ghouls.

While I was eating, I noticed Sodo finished his dinner and went to the kitchen to take care of his plate. I carefully watched how he did it, so that when I was done then I would know how to clean it. Shortly after, he came and sat back down staring at me through his prequelle mask waiting for me to finish my dinner.

After a few minutes of Sodo staring at me like he was annoyed, I quickly finished my dinner and took my plate to the kitchen, and cleaned it like I saw Sodo did. After I cleaned my dish, I turned around and saw Sodo standing right in front of me, and he was only a little bit taller than me.

"Come on, let's go," Sodo said annoyed that he has to guide me to Cardinal's office. "That's his office. Now good luck!" He said, then Sodo left me at the door and just walked away to his room.

After Sodo said good luck, I got a little bit nervous that maybe this meeting wasn't going to be a good thing or that something wasn't going to go right. Maybe I would be banned from going to rituals.

I knocked on the door, and I heard some rustling around happening behind the door. And I heard some voices behind the door almost sounding like someone was in pain.

"Come in!" Cardinal said trying to hide his pain from the makeup coming off his face.

I walked in and saw Cardinal taking off all the makeup he had on from when I got there. After he took all the makeup off, I saw it was Tobias Forge behind all that makeup.

"Sorry for making such a commotion when you knocked on the door. All this makeup on my face was getting itchy, and I couldn't take it anymore," Tobias said finally feeling relieved that his face was free.

"Is there something you need from me? I just don't understand why I was here..." I said eager to know why I was there and was very tempted to just get up and leave before hearing the man out.

"Yes, we- I actually need you here for something very important," Tobias said as he was reaching down below his desk to grab something from out of his bag. "Give me a second" Tobias got up and put something on his desk. It was a ghoul mask! Tobias then slid it across the desk to where the mask was facing me.

"Go ahead, you can hold it," Tobias said.

I picked up the mask and looked at it carefully, moving it around in my hands and examining every piece of it. It was very similar to the ghoul cosplayers on TikTok like sonlascivious, nameless.genesiis, cravevhs, and fallen_ikarus.

"We do need to talk about something..." Tobias said as I was holding the mask in my hands.

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