The Test

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[Outside of my room]

"Maybe tomorrow, we can head to your place and grab your belongings," Tobias said on his way to his office to finish some paperwork.

I opened the door to my bedroom and saw how plain the white walls were and how empty and bare it was. I spoke a few words and noticed the room echoed a lot. As I put my stuff down ready to unpack, Sodo walked into my room, closed the door, and locked it.

[Inside my room]

"S...Sodo... what are you doing?" I asked as he walked closer to me.

Sodo didn't say anything, but he just kept walking closer to me very menacingly. I was tempted to scream to get the other ghouls' attention, but I wanted to see how this played out.

He walked right up to my face and took his mask off for the first time since I was there. He then tried to take my mask off, but I slapped his hand away before he could touch my mask. I became very wear of what was to come and decided to scream to get the other ghoul's attention.

"Sodo...get away from me! Get out of my room!" I screamed knowing the walls were thin enough to where the other ghouls heard and they came running up to the door.

"Stormy, Are you okay? Sodo why are you in there?" Swiss yelled at the door.

"I'm fine for now. Just please get Sodo out of my room!" I yelled back to Swiss.

Swiss quickly ran to the kitchen and looked through all the drawers for a paperclip, but was unable to find one. He rushed to Tobias's office. He opened the door to his office.

[While Swiss is away]

Sodo slowly keeps creeping up to me until he is hovering over me. I pushed Sodo away and ran towards the door. He didn't move an inch, and I became a bit curious as to why he didn't come after me. Shortly after, I heard thumping throughout the hallway up to the door.

[When Swiss is back]

"Tobias, do you have a paperclip I could borrow?" Swiss said out of breath.

"I'm not going to question why, but here you go." Tobias grabbed one from his drawer and handed it to Swiss.

Swiss unfolded the paperclip while he rushed to my door. He picked the door lock with the paperclip and unlocked the door. He opened the door and he caught Sodo in the act.

"Did he hurt you?" Swiss asked as he pulled Sodo away from me and kicked him out of my room.

"No, he didn't. I didn't let him get close enough." I said still in a bit of shock at what just happened.

Swiss and I walked out to the living room. Sodo stopped us to speak to both of us. "Guys I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He then went on to explain how it was a test for me to see how I would do if someone were to do that to me.

"Sodo, I don't quite understand why you would do something like that. I mean, I thought you were going to assault me or even worse, sexually assault me!" I said to Sodo to get it into his head.

"Yeah, and I get that," Sodo said.

"Well, we can put this behind us and move on with our night," I said. "Wanna join us for a movie? Swiss and I were just about to start one!" I asked in hoping he would say yes and we could forget about what happened.

We finished the movie, and we all went our separate ways to our rooms for the night. Sodo stopped me in the hall, and this time he wasn't standing over me.

"Hey Stormy, I'm sorry about earlier. I feel really bad about what I did, and never plan on doing anything like that again." Sodo addressed and I started to feel bad too.

"It's okay Sodo, we all learn from our mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance," I said. "I'm gonna hit the hay, so I can be ready for tomorrow!" I said yawning away and walking towards my door.

Sodo walks into his room, which was coincidently next to mine, and closed his door. After, I fell asleep and tried to forget today.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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