Chapter 7 - What is going with Tim Bradford?

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Between 5x07 and 5x08 - Tim's Perspective

"What is wrong with you? You've been more miserable than usual," Angela prodded, sitting beside him, handing him a beer while she nursed her own. They were in their usual bar which most first responders tended to frequent.

Tim huffed. "Me? I'm not the one in the middle of a stare-down with a well-known drug dealer."

"I'm willing to keep staring him down too. But Wesley wanted to give in and give that statement. That might buy us some more time," she reasoned. "We'll get him one day...but stop changing the subject. What's going on? I know I've been so busy with this whole Elijah thing."

"Understandable. Bigger things going on."

"But? What's going on? Is your back still bothering you?"

Tim shrugged. "Nah, it's healing perfectly. If anything, it's less of a bother now than before the surgery."

She nudged him. "Then what? You're going around like your puppy just died." She paused and her eyes widened. "Oh God! Nothing's happened to Kojo right?"

"Kojo is fine," he emphasized. "It's nothing. Ashley and I broke up. I'm surprised you didn't know yet."

Her eyes widened. "I've been distracted. When did this happen? And why didn't you say anything?"

"You had a lot going on. And I didn't want to advertise. It happened after my surgery."

"Like after you got home?"

"Like, after I woke up."

He woke up Angry Lopez. "That bitch! I knew she wasn't right for you, but that is just next level!"

Angry Lopez reminded him of Angry Genny. I guess I'm lucky to have such protective women in my life.

"You and my sister both said she wasn't right for me! I realize that now, but how was it so obvious to you guys?" He shook his head. "But anyway, that's done."

Angela side-eyed him. "So, you're depressed or something? Is it because of the break up?"

"Break ups suck."

"You're not answering the question again. I'm starting to see a pattern here, Bradford."

At that moment, Lucy and Sanford entered. Angela and Tim watched them make their way to Nolan and Harper sitting at the bar. Lucy had some make-up on, knee length boots, a low cut top, a knee-length skirt, and a denim jacket. Her hair flowed. She always puts so much effort post-shift to brush it out.

Tim didn't notice Angela shift her gaze from the couple to him.

"So I guess you should be ready to date again, Bradford? Maybe someone more your style? I'm thinking cute and feisty and talented," she said with a taunting voice.

"Huh? Yeah, I guess so." He drank from his beer and shifted his position to force himself to look away.

"Maybe someone you have to fight for?"

Tim looked at Angela and narrowed his gaze. "What does that mean?"

"You know how people say 'Good things come to those who wait?' I'm thinking that's bull. I'm thinking more along the lines of 'You don't ask, then you don't get.'" She raised her eyebrows at him.

Tim rolled his eyes at her and looked at his beer bottle without responding. Ever since he told Angela about the practice kiss with Lucy, she had been teasing him about it. He wasn't sure if she knew just how deeply he had already fallen for Lucy.

When he saw Angela look away then move over to chat with another colleague behind her, he turned his gaze back towards Lucy.

Tim felt his jaw tighten as he watched Sanford grab Lucy by the waist and bring her closer towards him. She laughed at something he had said. She must have sensed someone looking at her because she suddenly spun around and their gazes locked.

Tim froze, but quickly recovered. He raised his beer in acknowledgment while looking at her. He watched as she leaned to whisper something in Sanford's ear. She disentangled from his grasp then started to walk towards Tim.

"Hey you," she greeted.

"Hey. You guys got here late," Tim commented.

"I had to wait for Chris to finish. You've been here long?"

"Thirty minutes now! Might head out soon."

"You should stay longer," Lucy said with a pout.

When you ask so nicely, Tim thought, looking at her lips. But then he saw Chris make his way towards them.

"Nah, I need to make sure Kojo gets his walk in." He squirmed. Lucy sensed his discomfort. She glanced behind her.

"Lucy, you want a beer?" Chris asked, putting his palm against the small of Lucy's back. "Hey, Bradford. How's it hanging?"

"All's well and good, man," he answered.

"You want another bottle too?" Chris asked Tim. Whatta' good guy, Tim said, annoyed, knowing that he was being petty.

"Nah, I'm good. Just finishing up then heading home. I'm driving, so this is it for me."

"Sounds good, man," Chris said, turning around and heading back to the bar.

Lucy looked at Tim with concern on her face. "Tim, are you really doing okay?" she asked, lightly touching Tim's arm. Tim's heart began to pound with the contact.

"I'm okay. Just not as social nowadays." He shrugged. "I'll see you at roll call tomorrow," he said, standing up.

Lucy dropped her arm to her side, feeling awkward. "Are we good, Bradford?" she asked, her face suddenly looking fierce.

"I..." he began. "We are. I'm just tired. I'll see you tomorrow, Chen."

He could tell she didn't believe him. A sad expression came over her face.


On his drive home, Tim realized that as much as he wanted to be around Lucy, it was also starting to hurt.

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