Chapter 14 - Angela knows.

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Pre 5x12 - Lucy's Perspective

"Hey!" Angela greeted from behind her.

Lucy spun around from the computer she was typing her report in. "Oh hey!"

"Are you busy tonight?"

"Not su..."

"Harper and I are going out for drinks. She is a crazy good pumper and has pumped enough for a whole fun girls' night out!"


"Say yes!"

"Uhh.. yes," Lucy said, giving in. "I can't not be there to support Nyla on her first night out."

Angela clapped and shouted to Nyla across the room. "She's in!"

Nyla held out her hand in acknowledgment. Harper was less prone to excitement than Lopez was.

Tim was on patrol with Thorsen, so she texted him.

Lucy - Gotta cancel for tonight. Nyla's going out for the first time since giving birth. Girls' night out at Rex's. 

Tim replied after thirty minutes.

Tim - Sorry for the late rep. Had to deal with a suspect. Sure! I'll get you tomorrow right? Whole day?

Lucy - You know it. ;)

After shift, the women agreed to meet up at the bar at 8pm after heading home to change. Lucy went home, told Tamara she was heading out for drinks with the ladies (Tamara was going to be sleeping over at a friend's), and got dressed and made up. She found a low-cut jewel green halter top she hadn't worn in a long time and put on tight dark jeans and boots. After pairing the outfit with a loose dark kimono and shiny gold drop earrings, she felt satisfied enough to head out.

Harper was already there when Lucy arrived.

"Hey!" Lucy greeted, sliding onto an empty chair. "Waiting long?"

"A few minutes. I wasn't gonna stay home long enough for something else to come up."

Just then, Angela arrived ready to start the party. They grabbed some drinks and various appetizers. They talked about work, Elijah Stone, babies, etc.

"So, how's single life?" Angela asked when they all had their third drink on hand.

"Good," Lucy said with confidence, but she knew she was trying to fool a detective.

"Are you going out on dates?" Nyla asked. "Maybe we should set you up."

" I do okay on my own, thanks!" Lucy answered, laughing. "But I appreciate the sentiment."

"Suit yourself," Nyla said, shrugging. She took a swig of beer. "Unless you've already met someone?"

Angela looked at Lucy intently with a big grin on her face. "Ooh... Why don't you tell us about it? It'll stay between us girls. Nyla and I are the soul of discretion."

Maybe I can tell them a little bit...Tim can talk to his sister about it now, and I don't have anyone to speak with. Just a little detail here and there...

She was interrupted from her contemplation by Angela's gentle nudge. "So?"

Lucy took a big sip of her gin and tonic. "Well, as a matter of fact, I did meet someone. But I'm not prepared to go public with him yet." She shrugged. "One day soon, I think."

"Okay, okay. We won't push," Nyla assured her. "Don't tell us his name. What's he like?"

Lucy gave them a dreamy look. She paused a second before she spilled it all. "So, he's this guy with a tough exterior, but really he's such a big softy. He's so loyal, honorable, kind, caring... Honestly, so caring. And he treats me so well. He doesn't smile for others much, but he always has a smile ready for me."

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