The cove of ancestor's

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Before we go down to the cove there's still training that needs to take place.

I'm sitting on the beach with Anoung and Tsieya waiting for everyone else to arrive.

I laughed as Tsieya went red as she soor Lo'ak come around the corner.

_______ _______ ________

"Breathe in"
" Hold"
" Then breathe out" I say putting a hard to my chest .

"Yes like this," Roxto continues putting his hand to Neteyams chest in the wrong place.

I moved his hand away and replaced it with mine.


"Slow your heart beat" I say feeling his heartbeat.

His heart beat began to fasten and I tilted my head with confusion.

" No slow, yours is too fast" I say looking up at him

" Oh, uh sorry" He replies looking down at me.

We are about an inch apart and his dark yellow eyes staring into mine. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up and I quickly let go of his chest and went back to my sitting position.

________ Neteyams POV________

I look at her . She's been avoiding me I know. But I'm not sure why. I do like her I have since we arrived .

I was sure she did too.

" Right, now we will show you all something " Y/n says standing up

I can't help but stare , her large blue eyes and ...

" Dude" Loak says from next to me

" Your staring" He mutters

___________ __________

Anoung calls out for the ilus and everyone's comes except y/ns .

" Where is she" Y/n says calling out

" She always goes to far out so she can hear me calling" Y/n sighs

" You can ride with me" Roxto smirks

My eyebrows narrow slightly. He always flirts with her and it makes my blood boil.

" I would rather swim" She says

" We are wasting time" Anoung Begins

" Y/n go with Neteyam his ilu is the largest " Tsieya says

She turns to look at me and I wasn't sure if she was going to reject me .

"Sure" She says padding over to me

I quickly hop on my ilu and i put my hand out for Y/n.

She laughs slightly
"skxawng" She says taking my hand .

I smile to myself as I help her on.

She holds onto the sides of the ilu and just as I was about to dive down.

" Y/n if you don't hold onto Neteyam you will fly right off!" Tsieya complains.

Y/n coughs awkwardly and scoots closer to me she raps her arms around my chest .

I feel a grin growing on my face and Loak winks at me.

"Ready?" Anoung asks

" Yep" We both say
"Lets go then"

______Y/ns POV________

I held my breathe as Neteyam dives down under I hold his chest tightly and his right arm slips to my upper thigh for support so I don't fall.

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