Neteyam coming over

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_yn's POV__

After the fight with Anoung and the Sully boys . Loak went missing . If you don't know why. You can ask my idiot of a brother. Loak told us a Tulkun saved him. But he was alone.  Palakan . The Tulkun that went rouge.
As far as I know he has not bonded with it otherwise that would go horribly wrong.

A/n , lets go loak doesn't bond with Palakan until one of them gets killed.

I pick up one of the small crabs and stab it with my knife then put it in my basket. Mother is collecting food for when Neteyam comes over tonight.
Mother says Father isn't completely against it. Which is a start. I'm surprised she isn't totally against it.
But then again her and Father were not arranged to mate either..

" Shit" I say as a crab hooks on my arm making it bleed.

I throw my knife at it making it fly of my arm. Leaving its pincer still stuck to my arm.

The knife flew right next to where mother was cutting the crab into squares.

"Y/n what are you doing child" She says looking up at me

I point to the pincer on my arm and laughs them stands up .

She pulls it off then throws it to an ilu.

" Ouch" I mumble
Mother takes the crab off my knife and throws it too me.

"Thats enough y/n . You may go" She says as she sees the other teenager Navi dive into the water.

" Yes!" I say .
I run after the group and dive into the water after them. As my cut in my arm hits the salt water it stings like hell making me swim slower.

" Hey its Y/n!" Tuk says as I approach
Apparently loak and Tsieya had gone off so its only four off us.

We go and sit on some rocks and tuk makes bracelets out of shells while Kiri looks for shells in the water bellow.

"Shit" I mumble as the cut starts to sting  again

Neteyam who had been helping Tuk turned his attention to me.
" What is it?" He asks examining the cut

" Oh I just cut myself while getting crab" I say trying to play it off.

" We must bring you to your mother so she can take away the pain" He says trying to lead me off the rock.

" Teyam I'm fine. Its just a cut" I laugh at his worried expression

" But your hurt!" He protests
I just laugh at him . He's really funny when he's pissed off.

It seems like he has an idea and jumps of the rock and nearly lands on kiri!

" What are you doing you skxawng!" Yells Kiri

I laugh and I wonder where he went because I can't see him anymore.

" Teyam?" I call out
No answer. I feel worry begin to creep up .

" Neteyam!" I call out again

" Dont worry I'm here" He says from behind

" Do not scare me like that." I say sternly
He laughs and sits down next to me .

" Here" He says handing me seaweed
"Whats this" I laugh taking it from him.

" Remember when we first met,and you cut me with your knife?" He says thinking

" Well you did pounce on me" I say defending myself

" Well you got seaweed to help the cut" She says sheepishly

I smile at him. I kiss his cheek softly.

" Thank you" I say putting the seaweed on my arm.

" Barf" Kiri says climbing onto the rock

" I've seen you and Roxto kiri don't start" I say jokingly

" What! I- No,no way . Ew!" She says flustered

I smirk and Neteyam takes the seaweed of me and he holds it instead . I smile up at him. Its always the small things with Teyam.


We have been sitting here for a while now and I'm leaning against Teyam and he's trying to make a bracelet but struggling.

" Let me help!" I say trying to grab the bracelet.

" So stubborn" I joke
I decide that I should be back because Neteyam would be coming soon.

"I better go and help Mother with the food" I say standing

" Oh yeah, I forgot that was today" Neteyam says leaning back

" No he hasn't he's been talking about it all morning to the point where dad made him stand outside " Kiri explains

I laugh at Neteyams angry expression and dive of the rock into the water and swim back to the beach.

The seaweed did help. But I'm never telling Teyam that.


I pass mother a seaweed and crab pouch and she puts it in a large bowl in the middle.

" Dont say anything foolish" Mother says mainly to Anoung
" Otherwise you will eat outside" She says sternly

I chuckle at this and so does Father.
" Dad please don't scare him away-" I begin

" Scare? I would never." He smirks at me

" So we are going to talk about where you are going to mate and when I have it all planned out" Mother says handing a bowl to Anoung

" No please" I say putting my hands up to my face
" Now I'm glad I'm here and not eating with Roxto" Anoung comments

Tsieya nudges him.
" What?!" He says in protest
I roll my eyes and fiddle with my fingers .

After a bit Neteyam walks in looking tidier then normal no seaweed in his hair . And I noticed the knife I made for him in his leg pouch.

When he walks in Father goes up to him and shakes his hand then sits down.

He shoots a look at Anoung before doing so.
Anoung returns the look.

Oh boy.
" Stop" I quickly sign to Anoung

He rolls his eyes and takes a seaweed pouch from the middle .

Teyam sits down next to me and  on the other side mother .

Who wasn't really saying much , but Father was giving him glares from across the room.

I hand him a seaweed pouch before getting my own.
" Thanks" He says with a small smile I put hand to his for a moment as a comforting gesture.

" This is delicious" Neteyam says after finishing his first pouch.
"Thank-you Neteyam" Mother says giving him a small smile and speaking up for the first time.

Father notices this and looks at Mother. She nods at him and he nods back.

"A boy with a good appetite always good!" Father says as Neteyam takes another pouch.

" So Neteyam did you have any worrier training in the forest?" My Father asks

" Yes sir, my father trained all of us" He replies

"And-" My Father says
" Shh-" Mother says her ears twitching
" Something isn't right" She says standing up

My Father follows her .
" Stay inside until i know its safe" He says sternly

I put a hand on  Neteyams shoulder and he puts a hand on my upper leg.

Anoung had ran out with my Father so we all wait in silence.

Anoung came running back in.
"Y/n! Its Pänutìng." 

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