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  "What's that?''Miyoko asked, "Claudina butterfly! It's a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae!''Tobias responded. He had a book about bugs he was teaching to Miyoko. "..I like it, its...pretty,"Miyoko said. "Yea it is, I agree! But sadly it's found from Venezuela and Guyana to Bolivia. So pretty far from home,"Tobias said. "Jeez you are a bug nerd," Miyoko giggled. "Yes I am! So what?"Tobias responded Proudly. "Oh no nothing I just think it's funny how much you know about bugs while others would want to faint at the sight of them,"Miyoko said. "not ALL people feel that way,"Tobias said. "Really?" Miyoko asked. "Yea! Many people like bugs or research bugs like Entomologists!''Tobias answered. "Are you gonna be a Entomologists?" "Maybe who knows?" "If you want we can go outside to collect bugs, and you can study them..''Miyoko said, getting up and helping Tobias up. "Sure! That sounds fun!" Tobias responded excitedly. The two grabbed some big catching equipment and went to their backyard's garden.

"It's hot out here.."Miyoko said. "Yea it's perfect! If you see a bee, come get me. For I can see if it will sting or not!"Tobias said, going to a section of the garden. They spent the whole day trying to catch at least one bug. "I got one!"Miyoko said, putting a caterpillar and a butterfly into the cage. "Oh wow good job Miyo!''Tobias said, running over to him, analyzing the bugs. "What are these?"Miyoko asked. "Caterpillar, butterfly and...oh sweet spider its on your hand.''Tobias said, pointing at Miyoko's hand.At the sight of the spider Miyoko began to scream almost instantly moving his hand rapidly. "its okay! It's okay!"Tobias said, grabbing the spider and putting it in a separate trapper. "It's fine these spiders wouldn't have hurted you! They are Daddy's long legs!"Tobias explained, wiping away Miyokos tears. "I don't like them,"Miyoko responded. "Its okay alright lets go back to our room so i can look at them more because we are both drenched in sweat-"Tobias chuckled, grabbing Miyoko's hand.

When they arrived back to their room Tobias grabbed both of the cages and put them onto the desk. "I'm gonna go shower first, my clothes are sticking to my skin, have fun with your bugs,"Miyoko said, grabbing a towel and some clothing. "Alright!"Tobias said. A few minutes later Miyoko came back to see Tobias putting the spider back in its containment. "Did it escape?"Miyoko asked to hang up his wet towel. "No, I took it out, now I'm gonna go put them back outside.''Tobias said, getting up with the two cages and then going outside. Miyoko stayed inside reading a book.

After a bit Tobias came back into the room he looked like he had just taken a shower as well. "Let me guess you fell into the dirt or was it because you were sweaty?"Miyoko asked, reading still. "Both."Tobias said, getting dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. "That's not surprising, let me guess you found another interesting bug?"Miyoko asked. "Nope! A frog and Lizard!"Tobias said excitedly. "Oh cool,"Miyoko responded. "Yea I took some photos with my phone, here catch," Tobias said, throwing his phone to Miyoko which made him almost fail the catch. Miyoko looked at the photos to see an American green tree frog, then a crested gecko, then the three bugs before. "That's cool,"Miyoko said, giving the phone back to Tobias. "right?!"Tobias agreed. "Yes I agree, but it's cool how you're so confident about liking bugs and other stuff like that. And plus you can touch a spider without freaking out! Crazy its crazy how you're not afraid, "Miyoko laughed. "I mean- it isn't when you think about it, I just think those things are cool especially spiders! I want a pet spider!"Tobias said, sitting on Miyokos bed. "Well if you ever get one keep it FAR away from me,"Miyoko laughed sitting down next to his best friend.

A glance that lasted longer than it should have, made them break out in laughter. Red flushing on their cheeks. "Hey, tomorrow what do you want to do?"Tobias asked Miyoko. "Uhm... How about we go to a concert or something? A band I listen to is in town!''Miyoko suggested due to never being to one before. "Oh really? Sure why not?''Tobias said searching online. He realized it was a band whose music he didn't really like but he didn't mind as long as Miyoko was happy he was too. "Alright, I got us tickets,"Tobias said. "YAY! Thank you! Thank you!"Miyoko said, hugging Tobias, unitentualy kissing him on the cheek. "I'M SO EXCITED!"Miyoko said. "U-uhm yea.. Me too!!"Tobias said, his cheeks flushing with more red. "Well lets eat some dinner then we can go to sleep-"Tobias said, trying to change the subject. "Alrighty!"Miyoko said. That's exactly what they did. They ate dinner then went to sleep waiting for the next day to come.

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