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It was 7:40 am and Miyoko sprang up and nudged Tobias's leg to wake him up and it worked. "Hm..-"Tobias groaned. "Come on, let's go get breakfast somewhere!"Miyoko said, climbing on Tobias's bed to shake him. "Mhmn..."Tobias said, sitting up. Miyoko got out of Tobias's bed and got dressed. Soon Tobias came off his bed and did the same. They both went down stairs and saw Sunny, "hey Sunny!''Miyoko said, hugging Sunny. "Hi hi friend!!" Sunny replied, hugging him back. "Me and Tobes are going to Dunkin you wanna come with?''Miyoko asked. "DUNKIN DONUTS?! FUCKING YEAH I'LL COME!!" Sunny yelled. "Alright! Because after we eat we are going to a concert. It will be my first one! You wanna come to that?"Miyoko asked again. "What concert?" Sunny asked. "The in-caved bats!"Miyoko responded excitedly. "Oh nice! Ok, I'll go!!" Sunny replied. "Alright then let's go to eat,"Tobias said. "Okay!"Miyoko responded.

The three went to Dunkin and ordered their stuff then sat down and ate. "Meow," Sunny said randomly. "Rawr,"Miyoko responded. "What the fuck-"Tobias said. "Meow meow motherfucker!" Sunny replied with a smile. "I- okay then" Tobias said. "Hehe!" Sunny giggled. "ALRIGHT TRAIN TIME!!" Miyoko yelled, getting up." TRAIN?! I LOVE TRAINS!!" Sunny yelled, getting up as well. "Alright let's go then,"Tobias said. "YIPPIEEEE!!" Sunny screamed.

The three then took a cab to the train station where they proceeded to buy a ticket for the train. "Sunny, buy yourself a ticket for the concert I forgot to tell you this morning. Here I'll send you the link"Tobias said, entering the train with Miyoko,sending Sunny the link. ".... Done!" Sunny said after buying his ticket. The three sat down and waited for the half an hour ride to the stadium to end. "Hey hey Tobes aren't you excited??"Miyoko asked. "Mhm, very,"Tobias replied. "Sunny, are you excited??"Miyoko asked. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Sunny squealed, excitedly bobbing his head up and down and clapping. "Well he seems excited,"Tobias said. "Yea how many more minutes till we are there??"Miyoko asked. "Uhm....about...30 more minutes then it will take us about 20 to get in the stadium,"Tobias replied. "Oh- damn,"Miyoko said, laying his head on his shoulder. "Im gonna sleep then,"Miyoko yawned, resting on Tobias's shoulder until he fell asleep. "Hehehehe.. Gay," Sunny commented with a smile. "No were just friends- just friends,"Tobias responded, his face flushing a light pink. "Awwww, you're blushiiiiiinngggggggg!" Sunny commented, pointing at Tobias and giggling. "I'm not!"Tobias responded. "Hehehehehehe! Yes you aaaaare!!" Sunny teased. "I am not!"Tobias said, hiding his face in his sweatshirt. "Hehehehehehe! You're funny," Sunny said, looking out the window and giving Tobias head pats. "How?"Tobias asked. "You just are my friend," Sunny replied. "Alright then?"Tobias responded, looking out the window as well.

Once they got to the stadium they saw it was packed with people so when they got out they had to tie their sweaters to each other so they wouldn't get lost. "Eee, I'm so excited!"Miyoko said, jumping up and down. "There's.. A lot of people here.." Sunny mumbled, clinging close to Miyoko. "We should be fine if we stick together,"Tobias explained. And that's what they did: they stuck together and then found their seats. Then the concert began and they had a very fun night. The three stayed up until 2:30 am when the train got back to their cab where they were dropped back off at home.

"Where were you three?"Alex asked, standing at the doorway with Jasper. "Its 2:30 in the fucking morning, and none of you were responding to our text or calls,"Jasper added. "... We were at a concert and my phone is in my room- I left it here by accident.. I'M SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEEE!" Sunny replied, le squeezing both of them and crying because he feels bad. "No it's fine we were just worried." Alex responded. "Yea my phone died,"Tobias said. "My phone- I don't know where it is,"Miyoko responded. "I'M SORRY I WORRIED YOU I DIDN'T MEAN TO I'M SORRYYYYYY!!" Sunny screamed, le squeezing both of them more. "It's fine, all that matters is that you guys are okay now, get to bed!"Alex said. "You're not mad at me, right?" Sunny asked, somehow le squeezing them more. "No, but you three are grounded for three days though. Rooms now,"Jasper said. "Can I eat first?- only thing I ate today was an egg and cheese wake up wrap at Dunkin donuts for breakfast this morning-" Sunny asked. "Same we haven't either-"Tobias and Miyoko said. "Alright just grab something then go to bed."Alex said, walking up the stairs to his and Jasper's room. "Yea,"Jasper agreed, following his husband. "Kk!" Sunny and Miyoko said. "Okay,"Tobias responded. "I'm not even hungry- I just wanted to steal this," Sunny said, grabbing a lighter from one of the drawers and going to his room. "Oop- alright,"Miyoko said. "Yea so these three days in our rooms should be fun-"Tobias groaned. "Yea-"Miyoko agreed.

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