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The two left then went to the skate park, "hey what were you and Sunny talkin about?"Miyoko asked. "Uhmmm......don't worry about it, okay?" Tobias said. "Kk!"Miyoko responded. They both entered the skate park and immediately began skating. With some falls and fails of course.

"Hey hey! Be careful!"Tobias said running behind and drifting Miyoko. "AH- HOLY SHI-" Miyoko yelled, falling off the skateboard. "Are you okay?"Tobias yelled, catching him from behind. "Uhm..yea! I'm fine."Miyoko responded. "Alright, are you sure?"Tobias asked sitting Miyoko down. "Yea Tobes I'm fine!" Miyoko said, facing Tobias. "Again! again! again!"Miyoko yelled, getting up and skating again. They spent hours playing at the skatepark, "HAHA! I FUCKIN DID IT!"Miyoko yelled, finally landing the skateboard after flying off the ramp. "Good job!"Tobias cheered. He was happy to see Miyoko so excited. He was so very happy. More hours went by but to them it just seemed like minutes. At 1:30 pm the duo decided to go to a pizza shop.

Miyoko got pepperoni while Tobias got olives. "Ewwww, who eats olives on pizza,"Miyoko chuckled. "Well me obviously! And its fucking delicious."Tobias awnsered taking a big bite of his slice.

The two ventured some more and they eventually found some wet cement and with a quick flick of the wrist Miyoko wrote his name. And right next to his came Tobias's with a laugh the two ran off to a playground. This is where they began to swing and just mess around like anyone else would do.

A While after Tobias began thinking of the discussion this morning and he just couldn't stop. He knew he had liked Miyoko, this day was proving it more and more like every day he kept thinking like this being lost in thought until.. "Hey Tobes! Can we go to the movies!"Miyoko asked, jumping off the swings. "Huh? Oh sure!" Tobias said immediately, snapping out of his thoughts.

The two snuck into the movies and began to watch the nearest horror movie they could have found. It was fun.

At 5:00 they began to leave the theaters and went out to eat dinner. Where they both got some empanadas, then after they went on a walk throughout a trail. There were many different kinds of tree leaves and even some were flowers but in the end both Tobias and Miyoko decided to watch the sunset underneath a  wisteria tree. That is when Tobias finally gathered up the courage and decided right there and then he was gonna confess to Miyoko.

Just thinking about doing this made his stomach turn. What if Miyoko didnt wanna be friends with him anymore or what if he didn't like him the same way or if he didn't understand. Or worse what if he liked him back what he would do then? I mean the last idea wasn't BAD but Tobias wouldn't know what to do. With a deep breath he tapped Miyokos shoulder. "Yea?"Miyoko asked. "Uhm.. Miyoko... I've been wanting to tell you something all day actually... No, I think I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time now but I had just been putting it down."Tobias said, gripping firmly on Miyokos shoulders. There was no turning back now. "What is it?"Miyoko asked. "Uhm well basically, I like you... No I love you.. As so much more than a friend! I-im not sure when it happened but I know since however long I've known you-" Tobias started "6 years 3 months and 2190 days!" Miyoko commented. "Well yea awhile but what i'm saying is that.. Miyoko I don't want to be just friends with you! I want to be more than that! But I understand if you don't feel the same way," Tobias said, tightening his grip on Miyokos' shoulders. "I've been waiting for you to say that,"Miyoko said, wrapping his arms around Tobias's shoulders, initially kissing him first. With much shock that this was happening after a few seconds Tobias melted into the kiss. "Sooo, I guess we are dating now?"Tobias asked. "Yea, now let's get home before it gets too dark and Alex freaks out," Miyoko said, kissing Tobias's cheek as the moon began to rise up and the sunset ended.. "Alright and let's keep everything a secret for now,"Tobias replied.  Then the two got up and ran back to their house. Going back to their room and eventually falling asleep arm in arm.

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