Xingyun 🌗

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Xingqiu sat down under the trees in the forest of Liyue in the darkest night only the moon being the source of light. Reading a novel of beasts and knights with the latest volume. Quietly reading through the book aloud to himself and the non-existing audience.

"And so the dragon growled at the knight, so you beg for mercy now wary traveler? The knight scoffed, far from over foul beast! The two enemies locked eyes on each other and lunged and-"

A twig snapped, snapping Xingqiu's thoughts and dialogue of the book. Xingqiu closed his book and pulls out his sword, "Who goes there?" Xingqiu called out only to be met by silence.

Xingqiu sighed before leaning against the tree, "That's probably just my imagination or exhaustion." Sure enough, Xingqiu's eyes drifted in the realm of sleep.

[Time Skip brought to you by Alhaitham's milkers]

Xingqiu opened his eyes groggily, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. Once fully awake, Xingqiu was about to continue reading his book but it had seem to be missing from his hand. "Oh crud." Xingqiu looked both sides before groaning.

Xingqiu got up from the tree and began to search his book, "Did I misplace it? But I swear I left it in my hands." Xingqiu then noticed the large footprint on the ground. "Guess it was stolen then." Xingqiu mumbled to himself before quickly following the footprints.

The footprints lead the young boy into a cave, Xingqiu sighed, "Let's go find that book." Xingqiu said sarcastically. The cave was dark and damp with water dripping from the cave walls, Xingqiu can smell the fresh water of it too.

Xingqiu then saw the glowing lights, no, fungi of some sorts covered on the ceiling of the cave. The lighting similar like the moonlight, the boy stared in awe "Whoa." He said before continuing exploring the cave.

Xingqiu suddenly heard a voice from the corner of the walls, Xingqiu walked closer and peeked around the corner. A lizard-like boy swayed his tail back and forth holding the book Xingqiu was looking for. He shook it around grumbling, Xingqiu drew his sword which alerted the lizard boy.

The lizard looked surprised before glaring at him with slit pupils. "I'd suggest you give that book back." Xingqiu inquired. The lizard boy retaliated by holding the book close to his chest, hissing and rattling his tail. Xingqiu stepped back but sighed, "If you give it back I'll buy you another copy."

The lizard boy stopped hissing and looked at Xingqiu curiously before nodding and throwing the book to Xingqiu. "Ah, thank you Mr. Fellow lizard." Xingqiu said thanking him. The lizard boy adverted his gaze to the floor. "Call me"

Xingqiu turned to look at the lizard boy, "Is that your name?" Chongyun nodded. "Can you speak English?" Chongyun squeeze his fingers to a size of a pea. "A...little..."

Xingqiu puts a finger to his lip, bending down, and tilted his head. "What are you?" Chongyun only pointed at the wall with a large drawing of a Bathysmal Vishap.

Xingqiu gulped, "Oh boy." Chongyun then raised a finger pointing at the book Xingqiu was holding. " me?" Xingqiu smiled before replying, "Sure I can read a chapter or two."

Xingqiu then sat down on a rock and began to read the book with Chongyun sitting down in front of him in a fetal position. Listening and watching in mesmerizing joy and their small friendship blossomed.

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