Zhongchi 🌧

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A Ruin Regrator clasped its hand as it tried to smash their target to pieces but failed, the ginger ran in between the metal machine's legs and slashed its weak point. The Ruin Regrator stumbled and knelt on one knee as started to fire its lasers at Childe.

Meanwhile Zhongli kept up with Childe's agility and provides a shield, as the lasers shoot in all directions. Childe leaped and stabbed the machine in the eye with bolts of electricity shot out of it and slump to the ground.

The Snezhnayan rascal turn to his lover and flashed a wide grin, "Pretty cool huh?" Zhongli nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it seems you've gotten better at moving at a quick pace, Childe."

Childe giggled, "Aww gee thank you Zhongli." The ginger said gingerly as he dwindle his fingers together. "Only for you, Ajax~"

Zhongli replied back sweetly with a soft smile soused across his face. "Now, let's see if there's anything on this Ruin Regrator."
Zhongli then kneeled down to the rumpled Ruin Regrator. Childe watches silently with Zhongli picking parts from the machine.

Childe then notices a flicker from the eyes before playing it off, but it quickly diminishes the idea as it flickers again. "Zhongli!" Childe jumped towards Zhongli and pushed him out the way before getting smacked by the Ruin Regrator's arm.

Childe was then thrown into the stone pillars next to him, a loud painful ring began to emerge from the Harbinger's head. His vision moving and shaking in both directions. His vision clouded and his legs unable to move, the ginger saw his dear running towards him.

Zhongli tried to shake Childe to stay awake longer, Childe felt like time has stopped, no, the whole world stopped for him and the ringing seemed to last for ages. Everything to Childe was shaky and wobbled his sight.

Childe looked at Zhongli, most of his face blurred by the dark but he knew the Ex-Archon's face conveyed with that of horror and panic, his lips moved but muffled words only came out.

Childe then curled into a fetal position with his hands grasping his hair, blood pouring from one side of his head. "Make this stop." Was the only word echoing in Childe's mind before his eyes felt heavy and his mind laid to rest.

Timeskip brought to you by YaoYao's constellation:

Childe felt the sun rays hit his face with its warm smile, the groggily ginger slowly prop himself up from the bed. Inspecting his surroundings, Childe look down to see himself shirtless and his sides to been bandaged.

Childe sighed tracing his blood seeped bandage, "That's gonna leave a mark." He said whispering himself. But only muffled sound came out his mouth.

Childe repeated what he said but was greeted the same result, "What the." Childe shook his head before saying a random swear word. Muffled, a thought struck his mind concluding his suspicion.

He had lost most of his hearing

The Harbinger quickly slapped himself, it hurt like a bitch. "Yep, not a dream."

The Harbinger sunk in his bed nervously chuckling to himself, "Oh I'm in a pickle now." Childe calmed himself making random yet funny gestures with his hands."Time to compromise." Childe then used his Hydro Vision to sense the vibrations of the room.

He felt the footsteps outside his room, two people, both with familiar aura. The tapping of one's steps display agitation and the other with concern. One of them then left with the other approaching the door.

The door slightly creaked opened, "Are you awake now?" Zhongli asked gently. Childe panicked when he didn't heard anything so he didn't say anything. The ginger noticed Zhongli standing by the doorway away from his vision. "Hey, are you ok?" Childe asked quietly and worryingly.

"Yes, I'm just unsure how you react to something." Zhongli said hesitantly. "It's ok, I can handle it." Childe said assuring Zhongli. After a few seconds of silence, the door opened.

Zhongli then came into view before sitting next to Childe. The first thing Childe noticed was the long bandage covering his lover's eyes. "Sweetie, what happen to you!?" Childe said cupping Zhongli's cheeks.

"The Ruin Regrator managed to land a hit on me while I was trying to save you, therefore, blinding my eyes."

Childe felt his heart sink, in that moment he wanted to say something but his lips quivered and his throat dry. Zhongli however smiled softly before putting a hand on Childe's. "It's ok Ajax, I don't need my eyes see."

Zhongli then pressed his forehead to Childe's, holding both of his hands lovingly. "Ajax, I can sense that you want to tell me something." Childe looked at Zhongli before rubbing the back of his hair. "Yeah uh Zhongli, I think I am sorta deaf now so I can't really hear you."

Zhongli was taken aback for second before he caressing his hand to Childe's ears. "I'll find a way to help ease it." Childe's eyes lit up with stars. "We can go to Fontaine or Sumeru, they got pretty good tech there." Zhongli chuckled, "Yes they do."

Zhongli ruffled Childe's messy hair before leaning down towards Childe's ear. "But you need to rest first before we head out." Zhongli then walked towards the door, he raised his hand and signed, "Rest well, we'll head out soon." And the door closed. Childe slumped on his bed silent, "Damn his hand moves fast."

Genshin OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora