Chapter 4

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"Come on, Drac. Do it!"

"N-no! Ericka, I... I can't!"

"Drac, you've been wooing me for almost a whole week. How can you not be ready?"

"Because, I'm just not!"

Ericka couldn't help groaning. She was growing exasperated of the runaround and was tired of waiting. She was eager to get on with it already, and intended to do it right there and then.

"Just one, Drac. Please?"

Drac sighed. She was his zing - she shouldn't have to be begging for anything from him. "Yes, my sweet blood orange."

Satisfied, Ericka got into position. She leaned in close to him, lips puckered in the slightest, and waited for him to close the rest of the gap. And for a moment it seemed like he would, the vampire also leaning in close enough that she could feel his breath against her face. But as soon as Drac became aware of the proximity, he jerked his head back in bashfulness.

"Ughh... Draaaac..."

"Erickaaa..." he moaned back, embarrassed for himself.

"Okay, look," Ericka said, trying not to be disappointed, "maybe we can just - MFFH!"

The rest of her sentence was suddenly muffled as Drac had cupped her cheeks, tugged her face to his, and finally, FINALLY planted his lips on hers - an endeavor that she was nearly about to call it quits on. The woman was shocked at first, but quickly recovered and gladly kissed back, enjoying every second of it. And why should she not? For it was the first kiss she had ever had with her wonderful Count.

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