Chapter 6

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Prompt:  random flirty texts or hOrNy texts too


Hey hotstuff 😉

Dracula looked down at the text from Ericka with an amused grin. He knew that he probably shouldn't be looking at his phone during work hours, but as hotel manager he figured it would be okay to bend the rules just a little bit. So, he typed back a reply to his wife.

Good evening my sweet little sunflower 🌻😘 How are things going? Are the guests treating you well?

On this particular night, Drac had taken a shift at the front desk while Ericka had helped in guiding guests up to their rooms. Most folks were polite, but every once in a while there would be a testy individual. Thankfully, he could feel relief at her reply.

Oh yes, everything has been going splendid 😊 Just headed up to the room for my break

Drac typed back a response.

Wonderful 🥰 I will be heading to the kitchen to grab a drink for myself and then I'll meet you up there. Did you want me to bring you anything?

A moment passed before his phone pinged with her answering text.


Just 🍆 😏

Dracula got confused. She wanted... eggplants? But weren't they in the kitchen? Then he realized. Ohhh... she must mean the garden! Hotel Transylvania had a small garden in its backyard area with a various array of fruits and vegetables alongside the beautiful flowers. Well, if that is what his zing wanted, then that is what she would get.

Going into a storage closet and pulling out some gloves and a small shovel, he went into the garden and seeked out the vegetable. Upon finding it, he dug up several, washed them off in the kitchen's sink, and then proceeded to head upstairs to his room.

"Oh, honeybaaaat," he sang out as he opened the door. "I'm heeere!"

Drac looked around his chambers, but did not see her and grew confused.

"Honeybat?" he asked.

Then, suddenly, she leapt out at him from behind, playfully jumped up onto his back piggyback style with a girlish squeal and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Whoaho!" Drac exclaimed, nearly dropping the items he had brought. "Somebody's excited to see me," he laughed.

"Maybe," she giggled, getting back down to the ground and giving him a proper hug and lingering kiss. "Did you bring what I asked for?" she questioned, batting her lashes at him.

"I sure did, my little tarantula," he assured, lifting his arms up to show her the various eggplants he'd gotten. He failed to miss the confused look on Ericka's face as he started to explain. "I didn't know whether you wanted something bigger or smaller, so I just brought a few. I'll admit, they're not really my favorite, but I don't mind having one or two every now and – "

He was cut off at the sound of her laughter. Drac raised an eyebrow. " – then... what is so funny, my love?"

"You!" she said. "I appreciate the effort, honey, but this isn't what I meant."

Now Drac was unsure. "But... but that's what you sent me in your text!" He showed her his phone, and the last message. Ericka snickered.

"No, Drac. I was talking about something else. " Before he could ask what, she made it very clear as her hand traveled to that something else and brushed against it through his clothes.

Dracula gaped at her, dropping all the eggplants on the floor in his stunned state. "OOOHHHH." Embarrassed for the mess he had now caused, he scrambled to fix it. "Oh! I'm so sorry, please, let me handle it."

But Ericka wouldn't let him. Before he could even reach down to pick up the closest eggplant, she hoisted herself up onto him again, wrapping her legs around his waist, pressing her body against his and speaking in between the various kisses she was planting on his face. "It – can – wait."

Unable to resist the excitement his wife was bringing to life inside of him, Drac obeyed with a growl of desire, and instead focused on giving Ericka the pleasure she so desperately wanted from him.

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