Chapter 5

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Prompt: TRACING PERSON B'S TATTOOS kill me kill me now

A/N: I actually changed it to scars instead of tattoos for this prompt ^_^


Cool fingertips descended upon a contrasting warm surface of smooth skin.

Ericka nearly flinched at the sensation, but soon found herself relaxing under the touch as her husband lazily traced little patterns of all kinds on her. It was a wonderful practice he'd engage in at times, and its calm motions helped her reel down from the high of afterglow. Ericka also loved watching him enjoy himself as he did it, too; the way his face would take on such a contented expression, and his eyes glazed over with adoration...she couldn't help but smile when she saw it.

And this time was no different.

He happily blessed her with his touch, a soft smile crossing his features as he occasionally leaned down to plant a kiss here or there. Her skin was so warm and supple... which is why it confused the vampire when he felt the odd texture of a rough patch against his hands. It took him so off guard, he made himself sit up a bit more from his relaxed posture on the bed to the spot on her shoulder where he'd felt it. What met his sight was a slight pink scar. It was faded, likely old, and looked more like a long papercut. He scrunched his nose in confusion. He'd seen Ericka's body plenty of times, yet he wasn't sure how he failed to notice this.

When Ericka felt him stop his motions, she shifted to look at him, questioningly. "What's wrong?"

He touched her shoulder. "What happened here?"

"Huh?" She looked over, and then realization crossed her face. "Oh, that? That was from years ago. I hardly even remembered it was still there. An axe nicked me during one of my monster-training sessions. No biggie."

Drac frowned a little. "But you still have a mark."

Ericka shrugged. "Ah, well, not everyone can heal the way vampires do," she said. "I guess it's one of the imperfections to being human."

This made Drac chuckle.

"What?" Ericka asked.

"You," he replied, moving in to caress her cheek. "Don't you know that you are perfectly imperfect?"

Ericka snickered, and booped him on the nose with a finger. "And you are perfectly cheesy," she teased before leaning forward to meet him in a soft kiss. And if Ericka felt any insecurity toward the little blemish, it was quickly washed away under the gentle wave of sweet love her zing gave her.

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