reprise is... being... CONTINUED?!?!?!? HOLY SHIT

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Hey guys!


I've been gone for a total of seven-hundred and forty-three (743) days. WOWZA. jesus christ by the time 2024 rolls around it'll be a over thousand days since i touched this shit.

Anyway! For real this time, I MIGHT start Reprise again. However, I would like it to be noted that it won't be the same.

To my knowledge, The Days Union is no longer associated with the Roblox Myth community (and honestly thank god. no offense but jesus that fandom was horrible. i loved it so much and still do but also hate it) and most of the characters, with the exception of the Governor and Great, no longer exist in the story.

Now, do you see where I'm going with this? No? Well, let's go back:

When I first started Reprise, I wanted to tell a story. A story I had created for this myth that had gone to shit. (FOR LEGAL REASONS AND BECAUSE I WAS FRIENDS WITH GREAT_DAY AND THE GOVERNOR I AM ALLOWED TO SAY THIS. THEY BOTH AGREED THAT IT WAS BECAUSE OF EMOTIONLESS FUCKING DAY HIMSELF. im not going to elaborate on drama theres already a whole book on this godforsaken site published about it) (please get me out of here i know too much about the drama and those horrible people behind it) 

because i had fallen in love with the original idea that was behind it, and because everything fell to shit, i wanted to be able to tell it. i wanted the original story to go on. but since i had nothing to work with i made my own with the world i was given and just added these characters. which is the definition of fanficion, correct?

i still love reprise. i think its one of the best stories ive ever written in my head (oh my god the writing quality of this is shit if you guys like it then would you go WILD for new stuff) and i've written a LOT of stories in my head and down on paper.

anyway, with these characters now gone, the days union re-re-re-re-vamped (yes to my knowledge it has be redone a total of four times. i can list if youd like. i was in this community for too long help me) it is something COMPLETELY different. and dont ask me what it is guys i have NO idea. i have not touched it in 743 days and dont intend to for another 743 at least.

however, i would like to touch on Reprise again. each operative had a Reprise, and I still want to tell their stories. now that i think about it that would be a book in itself. reprise as a whole would probably have like 3 books in total. damn not me being a series author

so, here's my plan:

i might re-write Reprise. i might re-vamp the story I already re-vamped, tweak around characters until they're my mostly my own, do some world-building and story creating, and re-write Reprise. sound good? you guys like? are you down? i'm down if you guys are.

now, this is gonna take a while. i have other stories that take priority in being finished before Reprise, but it might happen eventually. I will be posting it on ao3 (archiveofourown) and probably cross-posting it here. maybe. if i remember how to use wattpad. i havent touched it in 743 days.

anyway. so yeah. to anyone who doesnt like the idea of me revamping characters and making them my own, im gonna tell you this now: the operatives of reprise were already 80% my own. they had different original names, different backstories, all that jazz. the only things they shared were their new names and a concept. and looks, sort of. now, if/when i do this, they'll just be even more my own. to what degree, i dont know, but still.

and if you dont like that, then nobody will force you to read it, and its as simple as that.

so, are we good? do you guys like that? if you do then dont get too excited because like i said i have other things going on and stories that need to be finished. but ill start some tweaking soon, promise.

feel free to leave comments, or post on the wall thing on my profile. i dont know what its called, conversations??? wattpad is interesting thats for sure. anyway, i'll get them all and respond hopefully sooner than later. ask questions, leave comments, ideas, or just whatever you want. i love hearing from you guys, and youre one of the reasons i still want to continue Reprise today!

update: please dont leave comments asking about du drama. i dont want that to be the only thing we discuss please. the people are gone now and the characters were never theirs to begin with and theyve been erased from the story so we can try our best to move on.

sooo yeah. happy two years i suppose. cant wait to eventually get on this and i cant wait to hear what you guys think! :)

and uh follow me on ao3!!

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