- Chapter 3 ~ Panic -

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(Tsukasa POV)

I start to text Saki while waiting for Rui to come back with the snacks.

~ Messages ~

- Tsukasa - Today 4:36 pm
I won't be home tonight, I will be staying at Rui's house

- Saki - Today at 4:38 pm
Oh~? Have fun :)

- Tsukasa - Today 7:12 pm
Saki help. I think I have feelings for Rui

- Saki - Today 7:15 pm
I knew it! Tell him I bet he likes you too, I see the way he looks at you

- Tsukasa- Today 7:16 pm
Huh?! How does he look at me

- Saki - Today 7:17 pm
He likes you trust me, good luck~ ;)

"Got some snacks," Rui says while placing down a bag of popcorn I put my phone down and look to him. All I can think about was what Saki said, is it true? I feel a hand on my face I freeze. "Oh sorry looked like some was in your hair"

What the fuck just happened.

I feel my face getting warmer and warmer it won't stop I can tell Rui is looking at me I feel embarrassed.

"S-so.. what do you want to watch" It takes me a second to say something. I don't dare to look at Rui I bet he trying not to laugh at me right now. I look stupid

"There is this new horror movie, I haven't watched it yet but it looks really good!" I slowly glance at Rui he is smiling not laughing. His smiling looks so adorable but all I can focus on is his lips. What!? Do I want to kiss him am so confused. "What do you think?"

"Oh yeah sounds good!" I reply fast after realizing I got lost in my thoughts. Horror movies are not my type because I get scared easily. Rui starts the movie and we both start to pay attention to it.

(Rui POV)

I couldn't help but look at Tsukasa he looking at the tv so am sure he won't notice. I like him so much, I should tell him. What is the worst that could happen?

A jump scare then shows up and Tsukasa jumps and holds onto me. I start to blush "It's okay," I say softly I slowly put my hand on his head his hair is still soft. He calms down and gets up and sits on his side of the couch again

"Ha.. sorry about that, it was just unexpected." He looks down

"It's alright! Don't apologize" I smile at him and see his face get red again. We continue to watch the movie till it comes to an end luckily there weren't any other jump-scares. I turn off the Tv and look other at Tsukasa his head is on the side of the couch he seems to be asleep. "Hey, you awake?" I get up to look at him closer, he is asleep.

I slowly pick him up he is surprisingly light I start to head for my room. Am sure Tsukasa doesn't want to sleep on the couch it is not that comfortable, I get to my room and gently lay him down on the bed. I stare at him for a few seconds he looks so cute, I notice am staring for too long and head to the bathroom to get ready for bed. After am done I head back and see Tsukasa is awake

"Oh? I don't remember falling asleep there" He looks up at me

"I saw you asleep on the couch I didn't want to wake you up so I just carry you here. That's okay right?"

"You did?" It takes him a second to say that, he blushes again "Oh yeah, it's okay. Thank you"

"I have some spare pajamas if you like something more comfortable to sleep in" I offer

"That would be nice" Tsukasa says with a smile


A/N - Two chapters one night look at me go >:)

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