- Chapter 6 ~ Theme Park -

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A/N - I change it from a water park to a theme park because it makes it less boring lol

(Rui's POV)

Me and Tsukasa get in the back of Nene's mom's car I play games on my phone while we drive to Emu's house to pick her up. We get to Emu's house and she gets in the back with me and Tsukasa this causes Tsukasa to move closer to me our shoulders almost touching, I try not to think about it and just look out the window till we are here.

~ At the theme park ~

"Thanks for the drive mom," Nene says while we all get out. I walk over to a nearby beach and sit down while Nene has a short conversation with her mom. Tsukasa comes over and sits down with me he rests his head on my shoulder, I get a weird feeling in my chest but I ignore it Emu glances at us with a small smile. Nene's mom drives off and we all head into the park.

"Oooh~ what should we do first," Emu asked while looking at the map and then handing the map to Nene.

"This ride looks fun" Nene points at something on the map and we all then head to that ride.

~ 2 hours later ~

We went on many rides we still had 2 hours till Nene's mom will come to pick us up, we all decided to get something to eat we find a place, and head there I slowly start walking behind everyone and Nene does the same.

"So? you going to tell me what happened, you been quieter than usual," Nene asked giving me a concerned look.

"Nothing bad happened and I think he likes me back but is still not sure, I don't want to ruin anything" I reply

"You won't ruin anything trust me he likes you back, don't worry so much I believe in you" Nene gives me a confident smile. Tsukasa looks behind us and stops

"What are you guys talking about, you always have conversations without me" there was a quick pause "and Emu is something wrong?" he sounded like he was jealous.

"No, it's just that-" I try to answer him but I get cut off by Emu

"Guys here the restaurant come on you sloths" Emu shouts. Nene walks over to Emu and I feel Tsukasa staring at me waiting for me to complete my sentence I get nervous and just walk over to Emu and Nene who are now about to head inside and he follows me.

We all sit down and order our food Nene starts a conversation about how we should all sleep over at hers. We all agree and then begin to eat I check the time it was 5:28 pm we still had less than an hour so we decided the last thing we do is the Ferris wheel so we all leave the restaurant to go to it. I sit next to Tsukasa and Emu sits next to Nene, Emu lays on Nene's lap (like the fag she is /j) and the Ferris wheel starts to move I look out the window for a little when I feel something slowly grab my hand I look over and see Tsukasa's hand on top my hand and I slowly start to blush I look around the cart, Emu is asleep in Nene's lap and I see Nene giving me a smile after seeing what is happening.

Does Tsukasa truly like me? Is this just what friends do? The ferries wheel stops and it was our turn to get up.

"Wake up sweetie" Nene shakes Emu carefully and she wakes up. We all walk out and leave the theme park and get in Nene's mom's car, in the ride back Emu falls asleep again this time on Tsukasa's shoulder, he doesn't seem bothered by it which made me feel upset in a way. I wish I was the one resting on his shoulder.

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